Real Honey as your sports drink

In 24 ounce bottle

250-350 calories of honey (or whatever your desired consistency)
pinch of sea salt

shake bottle… Done

have you tried it? Love it. Works great, real energy source.

I use straight honey as a gel, get my electrolytes from NUUN type tabs.

I use straight honey as a gel, get my electrolytes from NUUN type tabs.

thats great… in a flask?

Aren’t the honey stinger gels made with organic honey or something? Had one before a run once and threw up a mile in, never again.

They is one variety of honey stinger that contains pure. Most of them are just a bunch of ingredients like normal gels.

I use honey for all my rides. We buy it locally by the gallon. And then place it into re-usable 5oz plastic flasks.

$40 a gallon… Cheap. Helps with allergies, and is environmentally friendly as we don’t have the waste and trash of all the nasty little gel packets.

I love the taste of honey, but when it comes to using it during exercise it KILLS my stomach due to its high sugar content. Maltodextrin sits much better for me.

Interesting. I can’t do the maltodextrin based stuff all the time.

I used raw honey (bought from a local farmer’s market) and put it in a gel flask with a little water. Seemed to work quite well actually. I noticed an energy “kick” after about 10 minutes; something that I don’t get with regular gels. Straight honey for me is a bit harsh on my throat though… so I tend to water it down to avoid that.

I use 50/50 honey and water mix in a gel flask for olympic distance racing and for extra calories on half iron and iron, I use maltodextrin for most of my calories at long races.

But in general, yes I use honey and it works well. I find it easy on my stomach.