'Reacher' Star Alan Ritchson on How Testosterone Therapy Helped Him Get in Shape for Season 2


Interesting how widespread PEDs have become.

According to the article, he was low on natural T, in his 40s, and taking a clinical dose. This doesn’t seem to support the ‘widespread PED’ hypothesis.

I have zero issue with actors doing this, especially action stars, as their job is to look like they can beat the shit out of everyone.

Dwayne Johnson is 51. Have you ever seen a 51 year old look like that? Hugh Jackman is 55 and is shredded again for Deadpool 3.

Even younger dudes like Chris Hemsworth for Thor or Zac Efron’s new movie role.

They’re not in an athletic competition.

I’m not entirely sure he’s telling the truth about being “natty” in Season 1.

According to the article, he was low on natural T, in his 40s, and taking a clinical dose. This doesn’t seem to support the ‘widespread PED’ hypothesis.

Well we’re just walking about one person, so “widespread” is a separate issue, but let’s put to bed the idea the poor guy just had “low T.” He very likely took large doses to get huge like many male action stars do. With Arnie being the OG. Per GMAN, I don’t have much problem with actors doing it - just hope they don’t screw up their hormones for life. There’s no such thing as a “clinical dose” to correct “Not being swole enough to pass as Reacher.”

The “real Reacher” would never have been into “cosmetic chemistry,” though. :slight_smile:

According to the article, he was low on natural T, in his 40s, and taking a clinical dose. This doesn’t seem to support the ‘widespread PED’ hypothesis.

I was wondering about that. He says 600mg, per week I presume. Google fu suggests that’s quite a bit more than your typical HRT dose. That also assumes he’s being honest and isn’t on anabolic steroids too, or the SERMS or SARMS that are all the rage nowadays.

I assume most any ripped actor is taking something. Of course Arnold did, Stallone, the Rock, etc. I’d bet Brad Pitt did for movies like Snatch.

According to the article, he was low on natural T, in his 40s, and taking a clinical dose. This doesn’t seem to support the ‘widespread PED’ hypothesis.

I was wondering about that. He says 600mg, per week I presume. Google fu suggests that’s quite a bit more than your typical HRT dose. That also assumes he’s being honest and isn’t on anabolic steroids too, or the SERMS or SARMS that are all the rage nowadays.

I assume most any ripped actor is taking something. Of course Arnold did, Stallone, the Rock, etc. I’d bet Brad Pitt did for movies like Snatch.

“That’s what I was trying to avoid, a conversation about body mass…”


**I was wondering about that. He says 600mg, per week I presume. Google fu suggests that’s quite a bit more than your typical HRT dose. **

He’s a bigger dude. Probably needs more than your typical dose just to achieve baseline.

My thoughts on Efron is he’s enjoying the fruits of all the HGH. His body in Baywatch was pretty extreme - I guess if you’re going up on screen against Johnson, there must be incredible pressure to be in cartoonish shape.

As Trail (I think) said, I don’t believe Ritchson was not having some assistance. I think he said he got to Season 2 size naturally, then started TRT afterwards…

Like you, I don’t have an issue with them taking some supplements to get that size. It’s a hell of a lot of work and most guys who’ve ever been in a gym regularly will know you have to put the work in. Reminds me of Tom Hardy owning it when asked the question about steroids.

i’ll chime in with experience…
i’m 57 and started testosterone about 5yrs ago and can only say good things about the results. i lift moderate weights 5 days/week and run 3.5-4 miles 5 days/week and was definitely suffering pre-testosterone therapy in terms of experiencing discomfort during these activities + slow or even painful recovery. was also feeling run-down most days of the week. about 3 months after starting testosterone it largely went away - joints feel better, higher energy, better workouts, etc. i have not noticed any anxiety or aggression, acne, etc.

i take 1.5ml via injection once a week. body stats: 5’ 6" and 133 lbs.

my wife also does it and the affect on her libido has been life-changing.

Glad you and the wife are getting after it again.

You kids have fun. Stay safe.

Glad you and the wife are getting after it again.

You kids have fun. Stay safe.

ha! that is fantastic…

i’ll chime in with experience…
i’m 57 and started testosterone about 5yrs ago and can only say good things about the results. i lift moderate weights 5 days/week and run 3.5-4 miles 5 days/week and was definitely suffering pre-testosterone therapy in terms of experiencing discomfort during these activities + slow or even painful recovery. was also feeling run-down most days of the week. about 3 months after starting testosterone it largely went away - joints feel better, higher energy, better workouts, etc. i have not noticed any anxiety or aggression, acne, etc.

i take 1.5ml via injection once a week. body stats: 5’ 6" and 133 lbs.

my wife also does it and the affect on her libido has been life-changing.

I keep considering it. Just tired of the constant aches and pains, niggling injuries, not being able to go as hard as I want in the gym. Libido has dropped a lot recently too. I’m getting close to pulling the trigger on trying Androxal, which isn’t exogenous testosterone but increases endogenous testosterone production. Seems like less side effects and won’t shut down natural production.

You can get pretty ripped and jacked without steroids. You won’t get the bodybuilder bulk, but you can put on really good size with just eating a ton and lifting heavy.

Getting ripped requires painstaking dieting and counting calories of everything you eat.

Getting to ten percent bodyfat can be done naturally by anyone, it just sucks and is a pain to do it. Getting to 7 and 8 percent, and maintaining huge size, you are probably getting a little help from pharmaceuticals.

Being 190 at 12 percent BF is very impressive in the real world.

Brad Pitt in Fight club could be done without drugs. Ripped but not huge mass.

Drago in Rocky IV…drugs. Huge and ripped.

But more power to anyone that wants to take roids, TRT or whatever for whatever reason they want assuming it is legal where they live.

I’m not entirely sure he’s telling the truth about being “natty” in Season 1.

Reminds me of a pro cyclist, when asked if he was on something,“I’m on my bike 6 hours a day”.
He could be natty…

i’ll chime in with experience…
i’m 57 and started testosterone about 5yrs ago and can only say good things about the results. i lift moderate weights 5 days/week and run 3.5-4 miles 5 days/week and was definitely suffering pre-testosterone therapy in terms of experiencing discomfort during these activities + slow or even painful recovery. was also feeling run-down most days of the week. about 3 months after starting testosterone it largely went away - joints feel better, higher energy, better workouts, etc. i have not noticed any anxiety or aggression, acne, etc.

i take 1.5ml via injection once a week. body stats: 5’ 6" and 133 lbs.

my wife also does it and the affect on her libido has been life-changing.

Your wife takes testerone as well?

i’ll chime in with experience…
i’m 57 and started testosterone about 5yrs ago and can only say good things about the results. i lift moderate weights 5 days/week and run 3.5-4 miles 5 days/week and was definitely suffering pre-testosterone therapy in terms of experiencing discomfort during these activities + slow or even painful recovery. was also feeling run-down most days of the week. about 3 months after starting testosterone it largely went away - joints feel better, higher energy, better workouts, etc. i have not noticed any anxiety or aggression, acne, etc.

i take 1.5ml via injection once a week. body stats: 5’ 6" and 133 lbs.

my wife also does it and the affect on her libido has been life-changing.

Your wife takes testerone as well?

yes, albeit in much smaller doses, but still once weekly. i believe she also takes some level of estrogen and some other OTC supplements.
the change in her demeanor and overall energy is very noticeable if she skips a shot for a week or two.

The T seems to have him fired up about his Christian brothers and sisters.

But as proud as he is of his Christianity, he also calls out those who claim to share his faith for becoming the kind of “vitriolic tribe” that “is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do.” In particular, Ritchson is baffled how some who claim to be Christians could embrace someone like ex-reality show host & multi-impeached ex-POTUS Donald Trump – someone whom Ritchson does not mince words in his description. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treating him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.” While he proudly wears his Christian faith, Ritchson does not affiliate himself with the Catholic Church – and the actor is once again brutally honest with his reasoning for it. “It’s worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive,” Ritchson explains. “I can’t, for one second, support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops, and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies.”

I have zero issue with actors doing this, especially action stars, as their job is to look like they can beat the shit out of everyone.

Dwayne Johnson is 51. Have you ever seen a 51 year old look like that? Hugh Jackman is 55 and is shredded again for Deadpool 3.

Even younger dudes like Chris Hemsworth for Thor or Zac Efron’s new movie role.

They’re not in an athletic competition.

But, they are in competition for roles, so in that regard I don’t know that it’s significantly different.

A guy keeping his physique for a role he’s established in is less problematic, as with Reacher using T as he ages. But guys like Dave Bautista, who got their roles via career path that unquestionably benefitted from if not depended entirely on PED abuse, that’s another story.

I have no problem with recreational bodybuilders putting whatever they want in their bodies. Not my business. Same for aging guys who want to put on muscle or just keep what they have. But it gets a little murky when your paycheck depends on that, because it’s a paycheck that may have gone to someone else if not for PEDs, which ultimately is the problem with PEDs in sports.

These guys fought off one of the largest, best trained and technically advanced armies for decades.

Look who buff they are!!!



This guy won some body beautiful body competitions, fought against imaginary villains and then got into politics.



We are living in strange times…