RCMP paints a grim view of Canada's future


Imploding on itself.

We have big problems. Declining productivity is one. We have huge natural resources but are not using them. The premiers of Japan and Germany have come to Canada basically begging us to send liquified natural gas and Mr. Trudeau took one of them to an empty field saying he was going to send hydrogen. We don’t make significant hydrogen yet. It was a bit of a joke really. Germany signed a big deal with a Middle East country.

The only thing buoying up the Canadian housing market is scarcity.

The Prime Minister of Italy came to visit us recently and a big event had to be cancelled because Pro Palestine protestors made it too dangerous to have it. Anti-Semitism is out and about in Toronto. Toronto used to be a wonderful place for Jewish people. Not anymore.

We are currently more or less in a recession. In my province a nominally Conservative gov’t just announced a budget with the highest deficit ever aside from covid times. And we still cannot staff our health care facilities.

Several times in the last decade the entire country has almost been shut down by a few thousand determined people.

Is that really what it said?


Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

But you do oppose only one. You do you kamerad.

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

But you do oppose only one. You do you kamerad.

Eyeroll emoji

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

that is one of the best Canadian insults yet and gave me a good laugh this morning. Most people don’t think much about Canada, as JPO suggests, so really…no one cares.

But, I don’t like the fact their healthcare system seems to be failing if we take the poster above as correct. I am big on universal government run HC and need the places that have it to do it well for my arguments to work.

Yeah. What this is dumb. Oh I see who posted it. Carry on.

If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

cough * Iraq * cough

If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

cough * Iraq * cough

They lost a 20 year war against people in caves. They didn’t even have to contend with polar bears.

He has no idea.

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

that is one of the best Canadian insults yet and gave me a good laugh this morning. Most people don’t think much about Canada, as JPO suggests, so really…no one cares.

But, I don’t like the fact their healthcare system seems to be failing if we take the poster above as correct. I am big on universal government run HC and need the places that have it to do it well for my arguments to work.

Our healthcare system is in complete collapse. It’s no joke. Our province has 5 million people, and there are 1 million people who have no access to primary care.

That’s not to say that universal healthcare can’t work. But if your government runs it in to the ground and you have no competing system available…

Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


Sorry, I’ve spent all the time on Canada I need to today. They are going to be just fine. I am more concerned about the rot within the party you support and how it affects the country we actually live in.

I support no party these days which is freeing…you should try it

I think the outlook for Canada is middling basically because they’re inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If it devolves into a failed state we could restore in a few hours

that is one of the best Canadian insults yet and gave me a good laugh this morning. Most people don’t think much about Canada, as JPO suggests, so really…no one cares.

But, I don’t like the fact their healthcare system seems to be failing if we take the poster above as correct. I am big on universal government run HC and need the places that have it to do it well for my arguments to work.

Our healthcare system is in complete collapse. It’s no joke. Our province has 5 million people, and there are 1 million people who have no access to primary care.

That’s not to say that universal healthcare can’t work. But if your government runs it in to the ground and you have no competing system available…

Well that sounds like a complete FUBAR. How can folks hold up national hc as the model when you guys have effed it up so bad? 1 million without basic healthcare? It that for real or just hyperbole? That’s third world country shit.

That’s a real number. It’s awful. I had a hernia a couple of years ago and it took months to see a doctor to get it diagnosed, half a year to get referred to a surgeon, then another half year to get it operated on. And they fucked up the operation and I have no recourse.

Family doctors here operate as corporations that bill the government. They rent office space, pay staff, and the government sets the rate they get per patient. That rate hasn’t changed in like 20 years. I think it’s something like $33/patient visit. It’s that low. As overhead and cost of living has increased, doctors are closing their offices and moving because they are taking home less than some plumbers I know. I know a lot of doctors that have moved to the US or elsewhere so they can earn a living.

The government solution has been to let the current model die on the vine. They now want to lease the clinic space themselves, pay staff as government employees, and hire the doctors on salary. In our city, the government has leased two such clinics in the last few years. They are still closed because they cannot staff them. It’s a train wreck of epic proportions.

Yeah. What this is dumb. Oh I see who posted it. Carry on.

English motherfucker, do you speak it? (Plus the guy you are replying to recanted and then tried to push American political complaints to defer from their prior attempt).


Is that really what it said?


You tell me comrade


lol, it’s all white (redacted) so you didn’t read it either. It talks about poverty and climate change.

Poverty under Trudeau has dropped about 50% across all age groups. Specifically child poverty used to be about the same as the US at 25% but now around 11.8%.

With climate change I’m really sorry to inform you that whatever the problems are they won’t stop at the Canadian border.


That’s a real number. It’s awful. I had a hernia a couple of years ago and it took months to see a doctor to get it diagnosed, half a year to get referred to a surgeon, then another half year to get it operated on. And they fucked up the operation and I have no recourse.

Family doctors here operate as corporations that bill the government. They rent office space, pay staff, and the government sets the rate they get per patient. That rate hasn’t changed in like 20 years. I think it’s something like $33/patient visit. It’s that low. As overhead and cost of living has increased, doctors are closing their offices and moving because they are taking home less than some plumbers I know. I know a lot of doctors that have moved to the US or elsewhere so they can earn a living.

The government solution has been to let the current model die on the vine. They now want to lease the clinic space themselves, pay staff as government employees, and hire the doctors on salary. In our city, the government has leased two such clinics in the last few years. They are still closed because they cannot staff them. It’s a train wreck of epic proportions.

Well that sounds miserable. Can’t imagine waiting a year for the hernia repair. In the US, I could go through that process in a few days. It would cost a ton but it would be good care.

I suggest the government should employ all the doctors as govt employees and the hospitals and all staff are run by the government as well. Our tax dollars pay for it. Like the police or fire department.

There certainly is a big disillusionment with the Liberal/NDP government. Uncontrolled immigration puts a big strain on the health care. Elderly immigrants who contribute nothing to the social services are entitle to everything it has to offer. I deal with this on daily basis in the hospital. Taxpayers funded translators. Where are your children? In China/India…Do you live alone? No, with my elderly sick wife. Anybody else? My elderly brother and his elderly wife. Who will help you when you go home? I need you to provide me with home care. I am entitled to it, I know my rights.
Taxpayers funded drugs to addicts and taxpayers hospital care for them over and over and over again. And they are entitled to live in the prime real estate areas of Vancouver. Law enforcement is a joke, judges release criminals faster then the police can catch them, if they do because why bother…
Endless no strings attached money to the natives (racist, racist, racist…bad softrun, bad)
Young people can’t afford to by condos/houses in Vancouver, it is the reality, but living in Vancouver is not a right or entitlement (unless you are a drug addict). Some people can work remotely, jobs are available in small communities but there are not nearly as much amenities as there are in the cities.

That’s a real number. It’s awful. I had a hernia a couple of years ago and it took months to see a doctor to get it diagnosed, half a year to get referred to a surgeon, then another half year to get it operated on. And they fucked up the operation and I have no recourse.

Family doctors here operate as corporations that bill the government. They rent office space, pay staff, and the government sets the rate they get per patient. That rate hasn’t changed in like 20 years. I think it’s something like $33/patient visit. It’s that low. As overhead and cost of living has increased, doctors are closing their offices and moving because they are taking home less than some plumbers I know. I know a lot of doctors that have moved to the US or elsewhere so they can earn a living.

The government solution has been to let the current model die on the vine. They now want to lease the clinic space themselves, pay staff as government employees, and hire the doctors on salary. In our city, the government has leased two such clinics in the last few years. They are still closed because they cannot staff them. It’s a train wreck of epic proportions.

Well that sounds miserable. Can’t imagine waiting a year for the hernia repair. In the US, I could go through that process in a few days. It would cost a ton but it would be good care.

I suggest the government should employ all the doctors as govt employees and the hospitals and all staff are run by the government as well. Our tax dollars pay for it. Like the police or fire department.

Yeah, I’m in Victoria. I called around WA and cost was like $28k USD, but I could have had it done that week.

Private care in other provinces, that allow it, were around 6-8k CAD, plus travel and accommodate. I was leaning heavily towards that but this was still during COVID restrictions. Had I travelled there and tested positive I would have been screwed and out the money to reschedule.