Ranking among the greatest tragedies in modern memory

More cruel and unusual than a grade school noogie followed by a swirly combined with an upside down wedgie. Worse than the recasting of Darren on Bewitched. Ranking right alongside the cruel mistreatment of Rudy and the My Pillow guy.

The local bagel shop I’ve been going to for 12 years closed this week, and now I have to find somewhere else for my Sunday morning breakfast.

Oh, the humanity.

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Thoughts and Prayers.

I had a similar experience when i lived in the city. The Kosher(ish) deli that had been open for decades i went to on weekends closed. It was replaced by a hipster place that closed soon after. I moved so don’t know what happened to the next place

Yeah, we had a local donut shop close some years back. We may as well have boarded up the city and all moved away. Life has sucked every day since then.

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Take your “thoughts and prayers” and shove 'em. When is someone going to take some real action?!? If every other neighborhood can keep a bagel shop in business, why are we so special that we can’t take the basic steps required for these tragedies to be averted?


Our favorite ice cream place in South Haven, MI is closing at the end of this season. Going to miss that place when we go on vacation.

RIP Sherman’s

The baker in my favourite bakery left. Oh the horror and calamity! We did found a different bakery but the previous guys cinnamon buns were to die for.

Thanks Obama.

Wtf! Sherman’s is closing? That place was always slammed.

There is karmic balance in play.

Mrs wimsey, wimsey jr and I visited the Bunker Hill monument this weekend - neat, informative, good view from the top.

Afterwards we were a bit peckish, and on the drive back toward home we stumbled on a great falafel place. (Can one stumble while driving?) It’s literally called “Falafel Place”. Mrs wimsey said the falafel was “fucking awesome” (at least I think that’s what she said…her mouth was pretty stuffed with falafel), and my chicken shwarma was worth sacking cities for.

If you ever find yourself in the ass end of Somerville MA and need a quick bite from a storefront that looks really sketchy but serves up fare that is delicious - let me know.

iBot, yeah I got the update on the Sherman’s Facebook page. Not sure how they close with how busy they have always been but who knows.

My guess, Not paying taxes and/or drug addiction. Happens often.

There was a very nice bakery in the hip part of town, but in 2020 they were bought out by another nice bakery. However customer service never recovered :frowning: . It’s not a nice place to go anymore, and now everything comes from the parent bakery and isn’t the same!

If it’s like some places local to me, the kids don’t want the business and they can’t sell.