Ran out of Velcro Dots

WTB: Velcro Fit Dots. Does any one know someone who sells the black velcro dots? We had thousands and we just ran out. I’d be happy to pay for a bunch if anyone has plenty? Thanks Dave

Google search is my friend

You may wish to consider the marking dots supplied by Purely Custom, developed by Cyclologic.

Hi Ann,

Thanks for this, I’m from Europe and didn’t knew this company. Just to make sure that I order the right size. For your retul-use you order the 1/2" black loop from Feiner? ‘Loop’ is the correct side, right?
Are those black ones the same adhesive properties are Retul’s black’s? What do you use for the Retul’s white? Or also the same from Feiner.

Thanks for your help,

kind regards,


Ah, well, I would look for a supplier nearer to you? Which country are you in?

Hi Ann, in The Netherlands. I don’t mind the shipping if they are good.



let me reach out to my colleague in Eindhoven, I’m sure there is a supplier close to you.

Ha Anne,

Didn’t realize you had contacts in Eindhoven :-), must the guys from EnergyLab. I tried some local dots but none of them had the same ‘power’ to stick on skin or for that matter clothing that was strong enough.

So if you use them from Feiner and they work I happy with those unless indeed your contacts in Eindhoven have a closer source. Anyway, your help is well appreciated.



We use Uline for our restock

Thanks, but in the mean time ordered a guru dfu. Sold my retul equipment, at least the most of it. Also getting the guru ror software, seems to quite accurate. I talked to someone that ran guru ror software as well as retul on some subjects and the ror was pretty remarkable accurate.

I will see in the next couple of weeks.