Racine vs Steelhead

I have been doing the Spirit of Racine the last few season and just love everything about it. Next season I am thinking about trying something different, specifically the Steelhead. Any word from anyone who may have done the two races?

Anyone have an opionion about the Steelhead?

I’ve never done Racine, but I’ve been at Steelhead each year. Seems to be a very well run event! Give it a tri. Z

I’ve done both. Did Steelhead in 2003, 2004 and 2005 and did Racine this year. I found them to be remarkably similar races. Lake Michigan point-to-point swim, long sandy run to T1, flat fast bike course and mostly flat run course. I think they are both outstanding. Anything specific you want to compare?


I have done both races this year. They are very similar. If you are looking at race organization you’d be hard pressed to find many differences.

The run course at Racine is much more scenic and flat. It is also a two loop run.

If you care I thought that the post race festivities were better at Racine. That is very minor.

Hell do what I did and do both of them.

Let me know if you are looking for more specific info.


I’ve done Racine and Steelhead.

With Racine I can sleep in my own bed and drive up the morning of the race, even if I had to rack my bike the day before. I like the post race festivities at Racine better than Steelhead. Frankly, I like the run better at Racine. The bike is better at Steelhead.

The hotel situation at Steelhead is terrible. Most likely you will stay in a really crummy hotel.

I’ve also had to consider the same thing and next year I am going back to Racine. Mostly for convenience.

I had a great experience in St. Joe/Benton Harbor for the Steelhead.

St. Joe’s is a very nice little beach town. My family and I had a really nice time Friday through Sunday.

Make your reservations in a timely manner and you’ll stay at an acceptable hotel. However, there are many non-hotel options for lodging, including bed and breakfasts and cottages.

The area may lack for really excellent restaurants, but there are a few (The Mansion, Tossi’s – not the cafe), Plus a couple very good ones and a couple of good enough ones. I can’t imagine that Racine is a dining mecca either, though.

The run at Steelhead goes through industrial and service areas (and a little bit though a nice residential section)… so that may leave something to be desired, but the swim is AMAZING and the bike course is OUTSTANDING.

I was very pleased with Steelhead (other than my performance).

Thanks for all of your input, based on everything I see in the posting, Racine may be the place for me. If a fast time is the name of the game which of the two courses would you say is faster?

I can’t imagine that Racine is a dining mecca either, though.

Hey now, Racine has a good share of awesome restaurants. Infusino’s on Rapids Dr. as well as the famous Yardarm Bar and Grill near down town Racine(it’s by the ship/yacht shop). Derango’s on 6 mile isn’t all that great but the pizza’s good. You can always buy a steak from Brossman’s Meat Market(best meat in town) and grill up yourself. =P

There’s quite a few others as well. Not to mention that Milwaukee is 30 mins away via freeway.

I was four minutes faster at Steelhead in similar weather and fitness. I would say it’s a toss-up speed wise. Racine seemed like a flatter, faster course, but it didn’t work out that way for me.


I was four minutes faster at Steelhead in similar weather and fitness. I would say it’s a toss-up speed wise. Racine seemed like a flatter, faster course, but it didn’t work out that way for me.

Out of curiousity did you do Racine in 2006? The bike course is much improved/faster this year vs. 2005.

I have not done Steelhead, but my decision between the 2 was based on sleep-in-my-own-bed vs. hotel. In the NW Chicago suburbs I can get up and make Racine with no problem, but fighting through Chicago on race morning would be no fun. Also I would have to fight the traffic in the daylight to check-in/drop off my bike vs. a pure suburban drive to Racine.

Yeah, did 2006 Racine. I live about 45 minutes from Steelhead and only did Racine because I had to be at a wedding on the Steelhead date. If you want to do Steelhead because it’s different, it would be worth the trip. Neither race is worth making the trip through Chicago just because it’s a better race. I enjoyed Racine, but I’ll probably never race it again with Steelhead in my back yard.


“Hey now, Racine has a good share of awesome restaurants.”

On second thought, St. Joe is surrounded by fairly rural areas… Racine is surely more cosmopolitan.