Race weight question

That “fat people hate me” post a couple of days ago got me thinking. For the past five years my race target weight was 152. About this times of year I would be 157-8… But I usually do nothing in the Fall whereas this year I decided to rain thru the off-race season. So it is Feb and I weigh 150??

This is uncharted water for me. Do I put weight back not get to my target race weight? Do I maintain 150? Or do I try to go lower and if lower, so how low?

Has your power or pace dropped off at all at the lower weight? What is your bodyfat percentage?

Does it seem to be an issue or are you worried about needing new pants?

No idea what my body fat is but I am thin. Power hasn’t dropped, in fact it has gone up…

Just not sure what to do. N issues…

Get your body fat done, weight means squat. If you are low body fat (say under 6% for a male) you may run into health issues later. If you are over that, say 10% to 12% I’d say you are probably fine. When I was racing I would get down to about 6% for “race weight” but couldn’t hold it without starting to lose power and being tired during training.

Do those body fat scales work?

For Bioelectrical impendance scales
American College of Sports Medicine says:

  1. No eating or drinking within 4 hours of the test
  2. No exercise within 12 hours of the test

Basically test can be skewed based on hydration levels… but is a fair measure of trends. BOD POD, Hydrostatic, DEXA are your best options if you have a local university or skinfolds

No idea what my body fat is but I am thin. Power hasn’t dropped, in fact it has gone up…

Then if you’re not getting sick or hurt at this weight, stay here.