Race Shirts

What do you do with all the race shirts you have collected over the years? Which shirt do you treasure the most. Post you shirt picture with a little story.

I don’t have the camera with me, but most treasured is my 1988 MHSAA Girl’s Swimming State Championships sweatshirt.

Because I’m one of the least athletically talented people you’ll ever meet, and after so much hard work, and so many setbacks, I’d finally made it to the Big Show.

My parents have done a ton of triathlons, and ended up with a crap load of t-shirts. They ended up taking a bunch of them and made a huge quilt out of them. They cut them up into squares and sewed them all together. It’s actually much bigger than a quilt, but they have this hanging on the side wall in the stairwell that goes up to the second floor.

I haven’t been collecting shirts that long, but when I get a race shirt that doesn’t fit, I cut it up and use it to clean my bike. The ones that do fit (especially the synthetic ones) are great, though.

For the last six years or so I’ve been racing 10 or more times each year. I’ve had to get a lot less sentimental about the shirts or they will overrun the closet and dressers. They clean the bike, car, floor… Some get to the Salvation Army.

I have over 250 shirts which I have collected since 1978 which I can’t bring myself to get rid of. My wife thinks I’m goofy. I only wear maybe 15-20 of them. The rest are stored in boxes. My fav is the “muscle shirt” I got from last year’s Splash, Pedal, Dash Tri.

my fiancee makes quilts out of them.

FLA Jill…from downriver area in Michigan? Don’t want to post your last name on here, but did it start w/ an “R?”

If so, I remember being a kid reading about you and your bro just about every week in the News Herald during swim season!

My favorite race shirt isn’t mine, but from 2001 MHSAA Track and Field State Championships…my two sisters in finals for discus, youngest one ended up being state champ :slight_smile:

My favorite is my first triathlon ever in 1984 the LaPorte triathlon in Indiana, I remember the swim being last…

Count me in with the quilt voters. I’m saving mine up to make a quilt for when the (so far non-exsitent) grandchildren stay over. I can be the Iron Grandma. I do a couple of local 5k’s a year just for their cool, glow in the dark, silly t-shirts. Goblin Gallop each of the last 4 years.


I wear a few, but use most to clean the bike, car, mirrors, glass. Lately, I’ve been taking smaller sizes to give to my kids. I get strange looks from the staff when I tell them I want a small.

Different Jill. I grew up in and went to high school in Grand Rapids. No brother, one sister, maiden name was one of those Polish tongue twisters that started with S.

Here’s the deal in my house…my husband can’t run anymore due to too many basketball playing years, so any races I do, he gets the shirts. I don’t wear tee shirts anyway, and it’s nice to see him in them. It reminds me of the race more than wearing it myself would anyway.

My favorite has more to do with the color, (bright yellow with red lettering from the Harriman Sprint in NY, this past June) I find them all pretty non-descript actually. Also, I liked the technical shirt they handed out at Musselman last week.

This is perfect timing…last night I was in a panic trying to find my IMFLA finishers shirt…still can’t find it…but…I realized that I have a linen closet that is stacked from the top to the bottom of t-shirts…I kid you not!!

My mother is going to make me a queen size quilt out of them…ought to be cool!!

