I am not a woman but I figured this may be a better question for the woman of ST…My wife is expecting our first child around September 1. I am trying to organize my race schedule for this year with that date and my wife’s condition in mind. My plan is to do 4 events in June (1 overnight), 2 in July (1 overnight) and finish the season with 2 in August (first 2 weekends, 1 overnight). This would put my season at an end about 3 weeks prior to her due date.
Should I cut back?
Should I eliminate the August races?
Since this may be my last year for a while to do a lot of races, should I add?
Congratulations! First ask your wife what she thinks. It looks ok to me. You just need to be flexible in case she doesn’t feel well . I went 3 weeks early with my first.
It will honestly depend upon your wife and the total amount of training you are planning to do. I assume that you have already spoken to her about your race and training plans, and if you haven’t then obviously I advise you too.
I have two male friends, one who has been in your shoes twice and the other this is his first baby. My friend with two kids, his wife was very flexible to his training schedule and very understanding. Granted training in summer after the birth of his second child was spotty at best, he rode his bike once. But he made it to swimming about once a week but maintained his running. By the fall he ran a PB half marathon. My other friend is just getting into the sport (training for his first marathon) and his wife is happy that he is getting in shape but doesn’t really understand the time requirements to train for a marathon. I’m not sure that he does either so their relationship is a bit strained at the moment. I would guess that he does not make it to the start line of the marathon, but he could prove me wrong. The key is just to be realistic with your partner on each others expectations and be flexible
It’s totally up to her (of course!), but that overnight in August might give me pause. If she goes into premature labor, will you be able to get to the hospital ASAP? At a minimum, I’d make sure there was someone available to drive her anytime if something weird happens.
Congratulations! This is a really fun time of life.