Race result articles on main page

I appreciate these short race reports, but i don’t understand why in 2024 we’re still getting these weird form of result lists that seem to be pasted from somewhere without any formatting. To me these are totally undecipherable.

I mention 2024, because the effort of creating a perfect table is nowadays zero:

see https://chatgpt.com/...dc-af7f-f08975651c66


Mostly because our current CMS won’t produce them, and there’s not a whole lot of value of me then taking the time to write the HTML code for it.

In due time…

Tbf I appreciate that you include the splits in there albeit unformatted: it allows people to discern the elements of the race without going somewhere else. Others’ reports (eg tri247) just display a list of total times which doesn’t help tell the story of a race with 3+ disciplines. The aficionado can go the the World Tri results site for the gory detail, but ST’s short reports are a one stop shop.

Mostly because our current CMS won’t produce them, and there’s not a whole lot of value of me then taking the time to write the HTML code for it.

In due time…

I think you missed my point:
a) I argued there is value (for me the consumer), as it is undecipherable (granted: maybe not a real world an slightly exaggerated)
b) You don’t need to write any HTML: Chat-GPT does it for you as shown in screenshot and link…

That table will not import into our current CMS without re-creating it in HTML.

But there’s stuff in our dev pipeline to address that.

could you post the result table as a picture.

That table will not import into our current CMS without re-creating it in HTML.

But there’s stuff in our dev pipeline to address that.

you can ask ChatGPT to write the HTML for you, then copy/paste it. Its not rocket science.

Tried it previously. Doesn’t format correctly.

Again, something that is in our dev pipeline that will render this conversation dead soon enough.

Cool, looking forward to it!

That table will not import into our current CMS without re-creating it in HTML.

But there’s stuff in our dev pipeline to address that.

you can ask ChatGPT to write the HTML for you, then copy/paste it. Its not rocket science.

Why even post if you’re going to be condescending. Go away

could you post the result table as a picture.

@ryan, that’s what I was thinking. Get ChatGPT to generate the desired format, screen capture it into an image and paste at bottom of article?

Text/tabular data posted as a picture is not accessible nor is it a best practice.