i’m wondering if some of you folks can help. i’m hoping some of you can just check the races in your local area, and maybe add those races, or at least alert us here in this thread that races need to be added.
for example, as of this writing hawaii has 4 races uploaded, but i know there are many more, like the honolulu tri.
california needs to have dave horning’s events added (envirosports).
also, there are those great little races on the eastern side of the sierras, like the june lake tri.
and a few biggies in socal are yet to be added, like the santa barbara tri, the day at the beach tri, the malibu tri as well as both the pacific coast tri and the new tri in mission viejo (which, as far as i can tell, is entirely devoid of any website or online information other than a link to a pdf of the entry form).
if you can add these, please post here so that it’s known you’re adding them and nobody else duplicates your work. if you want to bite off a state — if you can take care of hawaii, let’s say — post that here as well. please check to see that the races you’ll add are not already added
I noticed, it’s missing the Trisport Series and the Multisport Series, to say the least. Low-hanging fruit for those with the time and desire for the Slowtwitch kit. I’m short on the former.
“Wisconsin as a ‘Great Lakes’ state, as opposed to “Plains”.”
wisconsin is a great lakes state. so is michigan. you do a lot of races in michigan? that’s the problem. everything from western ny to minnesota borders a great lake. iowans don’t race in ohio as much as they race in illinois. dakotans race in minnesota more than they race in michigan. so great lakes per se doesn’t make sense as an event category. but kentucky arguably does make sense as a great lakes state, because kentuckians are as likely or more likely to race in ohio than in the deep south, since more triathletes live within easy distance of ohio. but kentuckians could also be thrown into plains, or chesapeake, because they’re not far from virginia and missouri.
you do realize, i hope, that there is no good way to categorize these? which is why we’re developing both an advanced search that allows you to combine regions, and also a google maps type search that allows you to search by distance from your locale.
for you and EVERYBODY, thank you very much for bringing these to my attention. please, tho, tell us if you are or are not going to add them. if you are NOT, that’s okay, that means somebody else can do the adding. if you ARE, please let us know, so that nobody else adds on top of your adds.
I am not going to add these races in Iowa, but know they exist.
Dutchman Triathlon (moving from Oly in June to Half in August this year)
Cy Man in Ames
I- Tri or something in Iowa City in September
Whaletown in Anita in August
??? in Algona in July
There are also a few indoor triathlons that I know of but have never done: one in Marshalltown, one in Muscatine.
I started entering the Subaru series (I did Victoria and Milton), but it takes some time, so I thought I’d do it slowly over a few days. Feel free to jump in and help. Lots of races in Ontario that have to get in there.
I entered Gulf Coast Tri in Panama City Beach the other day and just entered Atomic Man Tri, Atomic Duathlon and Tellico Sprint Tri in TN, and Savannah Sprint Tri in GA
The Lonestar Tri in Galveston Tx. March 28-30, Sprint, “Quarter” and Half distances. I am not going to add. It is put on by Keith Jordan and endorfun sports.