Question for those who have sprained a shoulder:

Question for those who have sprained a shoulder:

I fell skiing on Sunday April 7th. My shoulder made a pop noise. Got an x-ray at the ER and they said it was likely a sprain and that I should visit an ortho in about a week when the swelling goes down. 3 days later my shoulder is feeling a little better but I can still still barely lift my arm without assistance. It’s a sharp pain when I use the muscles lifting my arm towards my head.

Does this sound right for a sprain? There is no pain whatsoever with my arm by my side, but actually using my arm forwards or to the side is a 9 out of 10 pain.

I’m getting worried that it isn’t a sprain and there is some more damage in there.

I’m also flying to Moab in 2 days, partly for mountain biking. Pushing forwards with my arm like on a bike is strong and doesn’t hurt. Am I nuts for considering still mountain biking next week?

MRI will be in 7-10 days if still needed.

Sorry, an x-ray doesn’t show if you have torn ligaments or tendons, whereas an MRI will. If you can’t lift up your arm from the side, then perhaps the rotator cuff is partially torn?