Question for the individuals with IM tattoo

What you think about this???

I’m not sure how people with the M-dot tattoo feel, but I feel kinda sorry I got that Oreck tatoo now!

it’s lightweight and weighs just 7 pounds

It may be light, but it still sucks?

Sorry, it’s friday…

That “Sucks”

Damn, Wanderer beat me with the corny pun response

“It’s definitely sucking”

I love all tattoos. What’s not to love?

Dude - you’re gonna get me fired!

whats that? I couldn’t even open it, my company blocked it.

when is your birthday? I’ll get you a custom bento box…

it was a devil tattoo with the mouth being the girl’s P.

I wander if it is the same as kestrelkerri has???

yeah to bad you’ll never know!

Why do you think that I wanna know? :wink:

I’ll bet Mr. Oreck could, now, get an Ironman in NYC! He’s paid for the trademark…sign me up!

Does it come with someone to use it? If so, I’ll take one.

If Dyson makes a tattoo, I’m in

Between this and the Ironman Vibration Machine, it is amazing my wife and I ever met.

That devil would be a lot sweeter if it had an afro!!