Question for fitters out there

I got fitted a month ago my p3sl. I was running a 100 mm stem with a 7 degree and upgrade to a 120mm stem with a 17 degree a week later. In the three weeks building up to my race, I rode over 300 miles with that stem on. About 250 in aero position with no back problems. I shipped my bike out to the race destination and taped my seat location. I test rode the bIke for 20mins the day before race with no obvious problems and adjusted my aero bars to what I felt was comfortable. (I run Easton aero tt).Between mile 25-30 my back seized up and slowed my pace down as I could only maintain aero position a minute at time. The transition to run was brutal. I could only take baby steps while putting on my shoe and running… I had to ice my back the whole was my worst rub by 30mins.Any advise on what adjustments to make on my bike. Seat higher or lower etc?
Please only insightful feedback. Thanks.

Way to many variables .Did you check the numbers before and after you shipped the bike to make sure they matched? How was your flight?
How was your hotel bed? Did you sleep well the night before? Dehydrated ? So many variables. So easy to give you bad advice.

Happy Freedman
Orthotic Consultant
Bike Fitting Specialist
Prosthetics and Orthotics/DME
Hospital for Special Surgery
510 East 73rd Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10021

I follow Happy, flight is often a factor, as bed.
All that wrapped by the change you did before and you’ll have some bad signs …

Ok. How do you mitigate flight as a factor as you can’t drive to every race. The hotel bed was fine. I used foam rollers the night before.
Better what are measures I can take to avoid repeating thE same mistake and how do I shake of the the back. Pain during the run.?

Ok. How do you mitigate flight as a factor as you can’t drive to every race. The hotel bed was fine. I used foam rollers the night before.
Better what are measures I can take to avoid repeating thE same mistake and how do I shake of the the back. Pain during the run.?

Agree with Happy and Joel, but I will say there is something about the design of airline seats that just kill me. I’m sure you’re like me and traveling Economy or Economy+, not Business or First.

If I have to remain upright for any time over two hours, I am miserable until the next day. Mid/Upper back more than lower, but I have to counteract the forward-curve position with some Warrior Pose, Pigeon Pose (psoas/iliacus/priformis stretches)

1 pre measure your bike so you know where your saddle bars and crank are in relation to each other. Re measure when you pick up the bike.
2 take your seat and seat post in your carry on.
3 make no changes in the last 2 weeks before a race
4 try to allow 2 to 3 days to acclimate
5 start your recovery a day or 2 before you fly .
6 the party starts after the race
7 If you have had any injuries re check your fit about a month out.
8 See me For a consult

Happy Freedman
Orthotic Consultant
Bike Fitting Specialist
Prosthetics and Orthotics/DME
Hospital for Special Surgery
510 East 73rd Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10021

Also, during your flight or drive, move often, stretch, drink …

Thanks Anne and happy

Yes I definitely fly economy