Q ring position: road vs tri bike chainring mount position

Seeking advice from Q ring users. I recently put a Rotor crankset with Q rings on my road bike in the recommended starting position (OCP#3) and really like them, and my pedal stroke feels comfortable and smooth. I am now getting them for my Tri bike. Rotor suggests using the #4 position for triathlon. My question is whether those of you who use Q rings on both road and tri bikes use the same OCP position on both bikes or use different ring positions. My tri bike position is more forward than my road position, but it is not as forward and many triathletes. I am thinking I should start with same as my road bike and go from there.

Thoughts? Recommendations?

I’ve been using Q’s since maybe '04 and I have always used the 3 on the climbing bike and the 4 on the time trial bike. I have gone away from non-round rings occasionally over the years and always end up going back. I just think I spin better with them and since I’m not a masher, better spin=faster for me.

I have been using Q-rings for over a decade and played around initially on my road bike but they are welded on setting 3 for a very long time. My tri bike I have generally always run on 5 but I am trialing what would be the equivalent of 6 at the moment that I am actually enjoying. I haven’t raced or done any tests but I run a lot shorter cranks 160 as opposed to 172.5 on my road bike and generally push a lower cadence so there are many varying factors to consider.