PVC Improving?

Hello Slowtwitch!

I’ve had benign PVC’s with a pretty high burden for about 4 years, which began as my Ironman fitness came down.

Been fully checked out, given green light 5 months ago to do Ironman again if I desired. Been training since, 80/20, likely really 90/10, very long sessions, very little intensity.

My PVC burden is going way down, to the point where I doubt my likely future ablation surgery would be needed. Used to be every 3rd beat was a double beat followed by pause at rest, now it’s just a pause averaging 15-20 normal beats- to me this is totally normal heart rhythm.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is it training related, or fluke of nature? Did I get COVID unknowingly early in 2020 which caused all of this?

Mainly, had anyone else reversed their PVC burden successfully without intervention?

Thanks, and good training to all!

My cardiologist suggested low dose beta blocker (Metoprolol 12.5 mg 1x daily). I wasn’t excited by the idea but wow, it has greatly reduced the number & intensity of PVCs with no impact on physical performance. Max and resting HR are clearly lower but swim, bike and run times the same. Not tired, not cold.