PSA - Solving drop outs with Vector 3 pedals

You need to clean and oil the battery contacts in your Garmin Vector 3 pedals.

I started getting drop outs so I changed batteries but that did not fix it. After much frustration, I found this article. I followed the directions and it immediately solved the problem.

It’s annoying and poor design.

One more alternative is to use CR 1/3N batteries. They are essentially double the size of the 357 batteries, so you use 1 per pedal = no fretting.

Drawback is they last about 10 hours, versus 50ish for the silver oxide batteries. Decent for a race I guess.

It’s annoying and poor design.

One more alternative is to use CR 1/3N batteries. They are essentially double the size of the 357 batteries, so you use 1 per pedal = no fretting.

Drawback is they last about 10 hours, versus 50ish for the silver oxide batteries. Decent for a race I guess.

I’ve only ever used the bigger batteries and never had a set last only 10hrs. I have 3 pairs of garmin vector/rally.

Agreed. I ride about 20 hours a week and they last about a month.

Rechargeable someday sure would be nice. No pods 😀

Sounds like whatever I ordered was old or counterfeit. Think I bought Duracell on Amazon. I’ll have to try again.

I solved this by buying the Favero Assiomas

that is the only way to drop issues with crappy garmin stuff…
i had vector bought new, did not work, did get some parts, put them in, worked…3 weeks…than bought faveros…after one year i installed the garmins on commuter bike…3 weeks later, dead again…now garmin does not help and told me to swap them for 200 USD?they have worked exactly 150 km…
i would only need some parts, but they do not have them here in Europe, dealers do sell them for 40 Euros…

this is ridicolous…i disposed them in the trash, as i did not want anybody else having issues during an ironman or something!

As noted, if you’re having Vector 3 battery connectivity issues, the fastest path to resolution is:

  1. Ensure you’ve got the newer battery pod holder design (this came out years ago, and Garmin sent it out to everyone for free years ago, but not everyone filled out the little form. Hit up Garmin support and they’ll send them out to you for free).

  2. Switch to CR1/3N batteries. The reason Vector 3 had so many battery issues is that the production of LR44 batteries varies greatly. They aren’t as uniform as power meter companies hoped (Verve Cycling also hated their life choice after they selected this battery design for their power meters). So the lack of compliance caused tiny little disconnects, especially with 2xLR44’s that can change size/shape over the life of the battery. It’s why some peopel went years without a problem, and others couldn’t catch a break. They bought different batteries at different stages of life. The new pod design essentially eliminates that.

That said, this is one of those issues that was literally solved like 6 years ago for people with Vector 3 (June 2018). So if you’re still somehow having issues, and haven’t done the above, then definitely reach out to Garmin support. Rally uses the newer battery pod/cap design, and battery stuff simply hasn’t been an issue there.

I know those pedals are crap, but make sure it’s not a garmin head unit issue as well. Mine recently started dropping my brand new Rotor power meter and then it started dropping all of my sensors. There is a beta software update that Garmin says will fix it. Too early to tell though. But yeah. My Favera’s have never dropped…

My CR1 batteries seem to last forever. You may want to try a different brand?

of course, all the batteries possible were tested ( i work for a sanyo distributor and have loads of sourcees for all batteries available) :slight_smile:

In that case, which Vector 3 pods/caps are you using?

I mean, this was kinda a solved problem 6 years ago. Obviously, you can have dropouts from other sources (just like any other power meter), including head unit, wifi interference, large power lines, etc… But battery-driven power dropouts, and people reporting issues with Vector 3 ended a long-long-long time ago.

it came down to a mechanical problem, the parts which were defective added up to 40 Euros if i remember correctly (Batterhousing etc…)Garmin did not want to sell them or send them for free(they told me they would not have any stock of anything in the EU), they told me i would have to swap the complete pedal.
Due to the delay in use (i bought them for a training camp in sourthern france and ended up with no powerpedals for 3 weeks) warranty did not cover it…but the pedals were only used 150k total…
so, i wante dot get them redone and sell them. But after seeing garmin treating me like this, i decided to trow them in the trash…they were basically brand new…but 2 years old…

I know those pedals are crap, but make sure it’s not a garmin head unit issue as well. Mine recently started dropping my brand new Rotor power meter and then it started dropping all of my sensors. There is a beta software update that Garmin says will fix it. Too early to tell though. But yeah. My Favera’s have never dropped…

My Garmin 840 drops my Rotor all the time too. Good to know there might be a fix coming.

The beta software is available to download now. They sent me a link to download it.

I know those pedals are crap, but make sure it’s not a garmin head unit issue as well. Mine recently started dropping my brand new Rotor power meter and then it started dropping all of my sensors. There is a beta software update that Garmin says will fix it. Too early to tell though. But yeah. My Favera’s have never dropped…

The pedals are certainly not crap. I simply didn’t realize that after all these years I needed to clean off the contacts. They were not visibly dirty but when I wiped them with a Q-Tip one of the contacts was very dirty. That simple act solved the drop-outs instantly and I have not had a single drop since. I’m using cheap off-brand CR1/3N batteries and they last a very long time.

I’m pretty sure everyone with the pedals knows to use CR1/3N batteries and Garmin solved their hardware issue long ago. But, I’m sure a lot of people are not aware that simply cleaning, and maybe oiling, the contacts might be helpful.

Curioius, DCRainmaker in comments of his 2022 PM Survey said that the problems with the Vector 3 pedals were earlier models and were no longer a problem.
If one buys new Vector 3 at this point, should they expect to have these dropout/ disconnect issues?

Curioius, DCRainmaker in comments of his 2022 PM Survey said that the problems with the Vector 3 pedals were earlier models and were no longer a problem.
If one buys new Vector 3 at this point, should they expect to have these dropout/ disconnect issues?

I’ve got one pair of Rally and two pair of Vector 3 and never suffered a single drop out. The Energizer batteries that work optimally with the pedals have become practically impossible to find though.

I got rid of the problems with my garmins with changing to favero assioma. Drop outs, mechanical problems…
I had trouble with all garmin pedals, old and new ones…
Service also sucked…
so i changed to assiomas and never locked back, love the solution without batteries and the magnetic charging pods…
for me, stuff has to work, i do not want to invest hours into servicing, changing batteries are arguing with garmin employees…

I have 4 pairs of Vector 3’s and rarely get a dropout.