PSA: Front Page, Forum Changes Aug 30, 2024

Pulling the post over from the other forum…

Hey all–

We have alluded to some changes that were forthcoming to the forum and to the front page. Those changes will be forthcoming Friday**, August 30th, 2024**.

Things that aren’t changing: will get you here. Your username and password for the forum remain the same.

There may be a mild outage around 4 AM Eastern / 1 AM Pacific / 9 AM London / I’m not doing anymore time zones, sorry / as we clean up some loose ends and make the final switches in the back end. You may need to put in a fresh bookmark in order to hit the correct IP address.

We hope you like what we’ve built out.

I already don’t like it. /Pink

I’ll be sure to refund your September subscription fee of $0.

I’ll be sure to refund your September subscription fee of $0.

But at least they’re making the change right before the holiday weekend when people will have nothing better to do than pick it apart and complain.

“You may need to put in a fresh bookmark in order to hit the correct IP address.” ???

Do I do that before or after the change?


Did some of this start last night? Was getting a consistent SSL cert validity issue yesterday evening (Pacific), which seems to be resolved this morning.

Originally yes, but we postponed

You missed a golden opportunity to do this on 4/1. Let everyone think it’s just an April Fools change.

I assume the historical content will be accessible in some form in the new forum in a live manner or does it get archived ?

It’s all going to be in (mostly) the same spot. Some URLs will update.

Oh, shit

If any young people were to read this, I’d say - Journal!!! Do it!!! It’s a wonderful exercise that focusses the mind.

As I’ve posted before; Slowtwitch IS - in many ways - my journal/diary. Both the Main Forum AND over here … when the time comes, if anyone wanted to write my biography, or 3rd person memoir, there’s plenty of material here

Just search on my username, copy & paste, and delete the duplicates — or KEEP the duplicates, to see how many times that I told the same story in different ways 😎

But will the site last forever?

I guess I was warned, but heeded not, did I

If you care to archive/curate *your own *favorite RandMart posts, now might be a good time

I assume the historical content will be accessible in some form in the new forum in a live manner or does it get archived ?

It’s all going to be in (mostly) the same spot. Some URLs will update.

Oh, shit

If any young people were to read this, I’d say - Journal!!! Do it!!! It’s a wonderful exercise that focusses the mind.

As I’ve posted before; Slowtwitch IS - in many ways - my journal/diary. Both the Main Forum AND over here … when the time comes, if anyone wanted to write my biography, or 3rd person memoir, there’s plenty of material here

Just search on my username, copy & paste, and delete the duplicates — or KEEP the duplicates, to see how many times that I told the same story in different ways 😎

But will the site last forever?

I guess I was warned, but heeded not, did I

The history of the site and all things inside are 100% being transfered over.

If you care to archive/curate *your own *favorite RandMart posts, now might be a good time

So I can pull up the forum on my phone and it’s still in the old format. It is 6:46 AM Pacific time and trying to pull it up on the desktop. I get an error that says this website is under heavy load. You are making me do some actual work this morning instead of looking at the forum.

Same here. Or I get stuck on a perpetual spinning login pop that says welcome back. I tried clearing my cache and now it tells me incorrect username, email, or password.

Using chrome on macOS

Looks like what was old is new again? Which way are we going?