PSA: Front Page, Forum Changes Aug 28, 2024

Not sure what can / can’t be tweaked, but just an initial reaction when I opened the forum today:

It defaults to showing threads from all forums, which means the threads from the Lavender Room rise to the top if that’s where the recent posts have been. If this were my first time checking out a Triathlon Forum and half the forum posts I see are political, that might be a big turnoff.

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That’s a graet point. We will probably change that as the “Default” for sure :slight_smile:

Also funny that 2 of the 3 most popular “tri” threads are Dan and I arguing about hookless. Makes me wondering if he wasn’t trolling for hits :slight_smile:

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Dan doesnt even know what " trolling" is… the guys is way to pure of a human :slight_smile:

The changes will take some getting used to, but ST sure is fast! That’s a huge improvement!

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And Slowtwitch said: “Let there be search”. And there was search.

Besides modern UI, better functionality, etc. I think the biggest plus is being able to search the massive database collected over so many years. It totally sucked on the old site. Will save tons and tons of time.

Thanks ST team for making this happen.


basically non functional on Microsoft edge , works fine on safari

Congratulations on the launch. Not without its speedbumps, but that’s to be expected for a migration this size. The update was sorely needed, and I look forward to enjoying the niceties of a modern forum framework. :clap:

Bug report in case it wasn’t on the radar: existing thread links are currently broken, landing users on a generic error page with a broken image, bubbling Lavender Room political flame wars to the tippy top:

This means all external links into ST are now broken, and search engines will need to re-rank all posts. Can you not add 301 redirects from the old thread URLs to new? As it stands, anybody casually following a ST link will think the site is A) broken and B) centered around politics.


Loving the update! Will be a big help to keep fresh topics fresh!

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Any chance there could be separate category for political posts? I enjoy some of the non triathlon threads over in the LR that aren’t related to politics (sports, job stuff, finance, etc). But the political posts are overwhelming in the LR and take up much of the discussion. I feel like it prevents more from venturing into the LR.

We could call it the “PP Room” :rofl:

My first few pokes around the new setup and I like it.
Brighter, some colours and some of the new features look like improvements.

I’m sure the bugs will be ironed out by the tech-heads and coders.

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Thats an awful idea. Because why not then have a separate category for finance? Sports? Home reno/DIY? Etc. Not to mention that politics gets inserted into almost anything.

As to people not venturing in…then they can’t handle the LR! (pink)

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I would like to second Stevej’s sentiment. It is tough to do IT infrastructure change. Everyone gets used to the old front end and initially they don’t like the new front end. I think we should also defer to the judgement of those who have building the transition that the systems being deployed will gradually allow for a more feature rich platform that will help the community build out. We’re initially going to lament the morphing of some old functions or old familarity until we explore all the new and get to like it and help improve it by giving intputs. Fortunately I was pre occupied with work for some of the intial transition so it inherently kept me from judging work in progress.

I agree. The default view should be triathlon forum only. It should take some additional work to get over to the other forums especially for the new visitor as you pointed out. I found out that if I clicked on my user profile in the top right, it brings a drop down menu and at the bottom of that is “down arrow”. Click on that and it will bring up various tabs. The extreme right tab is “preferences” click on that and it will bring up a layer of sub tabs. One of them is “tracking”. Click on that, and it will take you to a number of boxes, the bottom left of which is “muted”. There is a drop down under that where all the forums are listed. Click on " Lavendar Room" and now it is selected as one you want to mute. Now scroll to the very bottom and there is a “save” button. I had to resize my screen to 80% to see that button on my laptop. I hope that helps but I think all of that should just be default and you should have to select Lavendar as something that is “unmuted” for it to appear in your feed of threads.

Just browsing some old content and you likely saw this already but on posts that included quoting on a reply, the quoted part from the person one is replying to appears like standard text that the last poster generated. That is probably an easy fix when you all get to it, but it definitely changes the context of a reply.



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Thanks for the heads up. I logged on and was like “WTH?” Hopefully we can get the site back on its feet this weekend. :+1:

I didn’t log on for 1 day, and then came on to think it had been hacked as all I got was posts about Trump and guns.

So didn’t know about the upgrade. My logon didn’t work. But managed to reset and then found it said I’d made no posts, had no threads and the recent ones were missing. This may be the prompt I need to stop wasting time on the forum and jsut get out and train.

Also basically non functioning in Brave browser

How do I quote a post