PSA - FINA Worlds hotels

If any of you planning on FINA Worlds haven’t booked your hotel yet, do it soon. Looks like a lot of places on the “official” hotel list are sold out already, and pretty much all of the lower $ ones. Just got a room after calling about 10 different places.

You’re welcome.

Not sure what the official hotels have extra since there are no hotels even close to the pool
The pool is on an island that is very easily accessible from the subway/metro.

Anywhere close to a metro makes it pretty easy.

The thing is to find out what else there is that weekend. A buddy wanted to come to mtl the weekend there happened to be gay pride parade and everything was sold out.

Montreal has something most weekends from June until August. Formula 1, Jazz festival, Comedy Festival, Film festival, Fashion week, Gay pride…People doing IMMT should consider spending some time in Montreal.

Reminds me I need to register for FINA.

A lot of them have better rates, the organizers block booked rooms at a lot of hotels.

I know what I am doing tomorrow.