PSA...Adirondack Holiday Lodge closed, try Montain Brook Lodge

Hey Folks,

If you have reservations for IM Lake Placid at the Adirondack Holiday Lodge, in Wilmington, it has closed down. Unfortunatley I didn’t find out until yesterday when I tried to contact them to confirm our reservations.Would have been nice if they could have contacted everyone registered with them, I assume they were fully booked this year, they were they last few years.

After finding out, I contacted Al Armstrong at the Mountain Brook Lodge (very close by) and he was able to confirm it for us. Al was very helpful and was more than welcoming in inviting us to stay with them at the Mountain Brook Lodge. I believe he may have just a couple of rooms left, so if you’ve been shafted by the Holdiay Lodge, contact Al at Mountain Brook and he can probalby come to the rescue.

Thanks again Al!