Proud boyfriend

My girlfriend entered her first duathlon Saturday. She rode a pink Schwinn Caliente, which was a little to small for her (hey, I’m still trying to find some more parts to build her race bike!) and did the whole race in the pouring rain. She got first in her age group!! And yes, I ran the whole second run with her, and no, it wasn’t “pacing” even if the rules say it was. She did awsome, second run faster than the first (and not because I ran with her…she was kicking my butt!)

Awsome job Jackie…I’m proud of you

High fives all around!

Congrats all around indeed! I don’t remember the Caliente…but Mr. Nelson here won the overall at the same race. You are one speedy dude…

Carl - 9th (flat tire @ rtes 6 and 488…grrrr!)

Ok !!! I have a 19year old daughter . She plays college soccer (team was 5th in the nation ) and races triathlons. Has her own bike a Kilo with lots of up grades. I just wish there was a way for her to meet some of the young people at the tri’s . 1st there are not many 17-23 year old people at most of the tri’s and then before and after things are just so hectic. She ends up training , racing, traveling etc. with us old people!!! I know she would have even more fun if she could meet kids her age.
Oh and shes beautiful (looks alot like dad ; ] )

Where does she go to school? 5th in the nation…hmmm. That sounds like Texas A&M or Santa Clara? Do they have tri teams at either one of those schools? I only know the schools over hear on the east cost.


“pink Schwinn Caliente” as in 24" steel-wheeled 10-speed shifters-on-the-stem made for kids and probably 30 pounds Schwinn Caliente?

That’s awesome!!!

Another case of: “It’s not about the bike”

Meramac Community College. They have won a number of national titles and placed 2nd in 2001 , 5th 2002. They place their girls after two years into some good programs. Thanks for asking. She may play Basketball this year also. Wants to go to a four year school witha good tri club! Just love to brag on my daughter

Meramec CC in St. Louis? Look up Team Dogfish ( or St. Louis Tri Club ( while she’s still in town. Quite a few young folk on both. The websites have contact info if you’re interested in showing up for rides, runs, etc.