Protocol for super shoe (carbon) testing

Having tried out new super shoes I was wondering in the lack of vo2max and lab equipment how best to do such a test on e.g. a treadmill?
Of course same speed and gradient, but how to set up test of e.g. 3 shoes a control and two super shoes?

X minutes at what speed and should you do repeat?

I too am rather interested in any information from the experts on here.

From Youtube stuff there’s all sorts of promotional videos going every which way so I would love to see something definitive.

I have tried a few times to test the idea by taking multiple shoes to my gym, including carbon plate shoes and doing half hour runs in each. But reality is that after the first run in whatever shoe, you have a very different readiness for the second and third (or more) runs.

Race day is affected by so many variables including mindset that there is no practical way to test. Only the history of the last few years confirms that carbon shoes are faster. But once again are they faster for the first 10 miles or the last ten miles. My bet is the last ten miles and that would mean running ten miles in clogs for all it matters then starting a test with super shoes which are specifically right for your height, weight, stride length, build, technique (forefoot strike etc) and running speed.

Good luck with that…:0)

I’ve posted in other threads on this topic but the Scientific Triathlon podcast recommends:

20:00 warm up w./ 2-3min (up to 5-6min) @ M + strides
4 x 5:00 @ half marathon-marathon (pick one & stick with it) on the treadmill w./ 5:00 standing recovery
Shoe selection is A/B/B/A
Analyze heart rate (even 2 bpm is significant)

Idea is to have a proper warm up & then test 2 shoes in controlled conditions. Would make sure to have a fan blasting. Just keep the speed and conditions exactly the same. Idea would be to fully recover in between rest to isolate heart rate as the variable you’re looking at. It’s important that you’re not just overheating on the treadmill or you might just see a higher heart rate for each rep. Really important to recover & get the heart rate all the way back down for each of the 4 reps. Would probably stick with marathon pace since that aligns closely with 70.3 pace.