Propaganda works!

US lawmakers tell Wall Street Journal that Biden showing signs of cognitive decline | The Times of Israel

Kind of unfortunate this came out the same day Biden called a lid on the day by 9am.

I know I know. Nothing to see here. 79% of Americans polled are falling for the propaganda of their own eyes and ears when they say they don’t believe this guy is prepared to serve another 4 years.

It’s the 21% here who aren’t in a cult and know the un-propaganda’d truth!!

You can clap for this…

If spineless repubs had done their job for impeachments, we probably would have had other choices in 2024. The party of Lincoln has been taken over by nutjobs. Trump can’t even remember his “lock her up” exhortations of days gone by. Denies them with tv now plastering what a liar he is. Surely he watches tv.

Tyler is correct, propaganda works, he just proved it. He fell for a story about Biden whose **primary sources are Republican lawmakers. **

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarbough did a good job dismantling the propaganda, and he had receipts.

Morning Joe points out that WSJ “hit piece” attacking Biden’s acuity is contradicted by its on-the-record source, Kevin McCarthy | Media Matters for America

Joe Scarborough Destroys WSJ For GOP-Sourced Biden Hit Piece (

This from The New York Times: “Privately, Mr. McCarthy has told allies that he has found Mr. Biden to be mentally sharp in meetings." And this from The Hill: “’Very professional, very smart. Very tough at the same time,’ McCarthy told reporters at the capitol of his talks with Biden."

***Kevin McCarthy “mocked Biden’s age and mental acuity in public" — this is from Politico last year — “while privately telling allies that in private, he found the president to be sharp and substantive." ***

“If I wasn’t stuck in court I’d be campaigning.”

If you really want to learn more about the difference between Trump (almost certain dementia) and Biden (aging brain) give the Shrinking Trump podcast a listen.

If spineless repubs had done their job for impeachments, we probably would have had other choices in 2024. The party of Lincoln has been taken over by nutjobs. Trump can’t even remember his “lock her up” exhortations of days gone by. Denies them with tv now plastering what a liar he is. Surely he watches tv.

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years

You know it. I know it. The American people know it. And if the Rep party is doing their job that will be what comes out of their mouth every other sentence for the next 5 months.

You sold your soul to this ticket 4 years ago. And now you have the geriatric imbecile who has run this country into the ground and you can’t get around the highly qualified Ms Harris who’s family has been oppressed since at least 1619 (when they weren’t owning slaves in Jamaica)

This is the ticket you want. If the Dem party had done its job for the last 3.5 years you would and should be running away with this election. You’ve been lockstep backing it for 3.5 years. Don’t whine and blame the Rep party now. It makes you look like the whiny fool you are

Generational wealth transfer!!! bone spurs!!!

If spineless repubs had done their job for impeachments, we probably would have had other choices in 2024. The party of Lincoln has been taken over by nutjobs. Trump can’t even remember his “lock her up” exhortations of days gone by. Denies them with tv now plastering what a liar he is. Surely he watches tv.

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years

You know it. I know it. The American people know it. And if the Rep party is doing their job that will be what comes out of their mouth every other sentence for the next 5 months.

You sold your soul to this ticket 4 years ago. And now you have the geriatric imbecile who has run this country into the ground and you can’t get around the highly qualified Ms Harris who’s family has been oppressed since at least 1619 (when they weren’t owning slaves in Jamaica)

This is the ticket you want. If the Dem party had done its job for the last 3.5 years you would and should be running away with this election. You’ve been lockstep backing it for 3.5 years. Don’t whine and blame the Rep party now. It makes you look like the whiny fool you are

Generational wealth transfer!!! bone spurs!!!

Both candidates sharp as tacks!

What was the question?

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years

and why is that a problem? i’d rather she pick Supreme Court Justices than Trump, the Biden/Harris cabinet would be more competent than Trump’s and Trump’s economic policies will be a disaster,

US lawmakers tell Wall Street Journal that Biden showing signs of cognitive decline | The Times of Israel

Kind of unfortunate this came out the same day Biden called a lid on the day by 9am.

I know I know. Nothing to see here. 79% of Americans polled are falling for the propaganda of their own eyes and ears when they say they don’t believe this guy is prepared to serve another 4 years.

It’s the 21% here who aren’t in a cult and know the un-propaganda’d truth!!

You can clap for this…

Both candidates sharp as tacks!

What was the question?

CNN seems to be better at reporting reality in the last few years.

Biden needs to appeal more to moderates. I just wonder if he will, he seems to act on his advisors opinions and he seems to have a lot of what one would call progressives. Interesting a poll done of Harvard students found Gaza and student debt were their least concerning issues. Black democrats typically more conservative than white ones.

US lawmakers tell Wall Street Journal that Biden showing signs of cognitive decline | The Times of Israel

Kind of unfortunate this came out the same day Biden called a lid on the day by 9am.

I know I know. Nothing to see here. 79% of Americans polled are falling for the propaganda of their own eyes and ears when they say they don’t believe this guy is prepared to serve another 4 years.

It’s the 21% here who aren’t in a cult and know the un-propaganda’d truth!!

You can clap for this…


FTFY. You’re welcome. No charge.

I subbed in for you in the Israel thread. Figured you were sleeping and this is a 24/7 job :wink:

I subbed in for you in the Israel thread. Figured you were sleeping and this is a 24/7 job :wink:

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years

and why is that a problem? i’d rather she pick Supreme Court Justices than Trump, the Biden/Harris cabinet would be more competent than Trump’s and Trump’s economic policies will be a disaster,

Now chad is just showing his racist tendencies. Also he has a woman complex where he doesn’t feel a woman can do as well as a man. As his dear leader would say, SAD.

On several threads you, and a select few other posters, have made the comment that the current administration has “run this country into the ground”. I’ve asked on different occasions for examples of what you, and others, mean by that. I’m not being argumentative, I’m just trying to understand that viewpoint because it’s not apparent to me how this country has been “run into the ground.”

As for the current administration, I sincerely wish that there was a better candidate running. I don’t think Biden has been a bad president but I am concerned about this age. However, I will gladly take him over the alternative. I can list all the reasons why that is the case but the short version is that I’m very concerned about the damage that can be done by another Trump presidency, significantly more concerned than what we’ll get with 4 more years of Biden, or Harris.

Come on guys, don’t feed the trolls. Is there a sign of cognitive decline? Possibly. Even if it were the case, I’d vote for him over the orange turd. Actually, I’d vote for someone brain dead over the orange turd.
If at this stage people still support Trump, they have no excuse. They should just agree that they’re ok with treason and with a dictator in place.

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years

and why is that a problem? i’d rather she pick Supreme Court Justices than Trump, the Biden/Harris cabinet would be more competent than Trump’s and Trump’s economic policies will be a disaster,

Now chad is just showing his racist tendencies. Also he has a woman complex where he doesn’t feel a woman can do as well as a man. As his dear leader would say, SAD.

Our VP was on Jimmy Kimmel live last night, and I watched a few clips. She’s excellent. She’s boringly moderate, but she’s so smart & clearly able to assume responsibility. While I really appreciate Biden, I also look forward to seeing what she does after his presidential terms end.

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years.

I am most definitely not a fan of Harris. But her being prez for 4 years, vs trump being prez for another 4 years ???

Being sane and wanting our democracy to still have at least a snowball’s chance in hell, l would choose her every single time, over trump.

And kamala’s huge qualification? She is not effing crazy.

A vote for the Biden Harris ticket is a vote to put Kamala Harris in the role of President in the next four years.

I am most definitely not a fan of Harris. But her being prez for 4 years, vs trump being prez for another 4 years ???

Being sane and wanting our democracy to still have at least a snowball’s chance in hell, l would choose her every single time, over trump.

And kamala’s huge qualification? She is not effing crazy.

It is just crap. How many were certain that Biden wouldn’t finish this term? And a vote for Trump is a vote for TBD. He has yet to pick the sycophantic liar that will take over. Why would I be any more sure Trump will last than Biden?