Proof of Covid Vaccine for Tri Participation?

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

Seems like a fail proof idea:

(One of many articles on the topic)

Since I’m vaxxed and the data is very good so far, I’m for it, so long as it is available to everyone (knowing some won’t take it)

Hawaii is currently reviewing a program to allow vaccinated people to bypass testing or quarantine to travel to the islands. The Daily had a good episode on the Israeli green card (but highlighted the availability issue)

We had a backyard firepit BBQ last weekend with our vaxxed friends, no masks and dining indoors. It was awesome just to do something normal

Ironically in Australia gym/yoga/Pilates instructors have been told by their insurance providers, their policy terms may be void if someone that HAS HAD a vaccine injures themselves wile in class on on the premises.


Is your argument: because people will break the rules, we shouldn’t put rules in place at all?

I think this logic is flawed.

No. That is not my argument.

I would be all for it except vaccinations in Pennsylvania are going like s*** I think we’re pretty far behind other states.

And what if you have someone like myself who I’ve had covid but can’t get the vaccine where does that leave me on the passport

I think this is a fantastic idea. Yes, public schools require vaccinations (not for COVID, but MMR for example) and so do colleges. It seems to me the public health outweighs the personal choice. If you (not “you” but “random person”) feel that strongly about not being vaccinated, maybe, out of respect for broader public health, you don’t get to participate in certain activities at the moment.

Utilitarianism is certainly not perfect, but important when considering policy for large groups of people.

I believe the number of universities requiring a covid vax for in person attendance in the fall is now up to 4

i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no?


public schools are reopening. testing is required. some universities are planning to require it.

Seems like a fail proof idea:

(One of many articles on the topic)
No need to purchase. Just print it out.

I’m all for it. I’ve had both doses of Pfizer, and as a pharmacist we are giving about 50 a day at our pharmacy. Mississippi may be last in a lot of things related to health but vaccination rates isn’t one of them. No excuse not to get it, but oddly enough I can’t get my ignorant wife to get hers.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

The horse of having a safe and secure proof of vaccination (record) has left the barn.

Everybody can make their own vaccination card in minutes. There is no security whatsoever.

But sure, if it makes people feel better. LoL.

You may be right about COVID vaccines, yes (I don’t know that number). However, the majority of universities and states already require other vaccines. I was not able to set foot in class without proof of my MMR. I was saying, more generally, there is precedent to requiring vaccines.

You’re assuming the only way to provide proof is a vax card

Agreed. The problem here though is the EUA status of the vaxes.

My guess is that is partially because of the uncertainty of getting the vaccine in time. I’m a teacher and I know of some of the preschools in my area, and I’ll assume my school district, will require it following next year since it should be available to kids by then since they are starting to vaccinate 16+ now in my area of Illinois.

Like a poster above I would guess that this will be added to the vaccine list for going to school by next year assuming things keep going well with the vaccines.

But to answer the original question I would be all for it. I was even hoping a way to also get some races would be to somehow do a rapid test, wait for results in a separate area, then once the result is back you get to go to the race. This was a thought months ago for a local race in my area. Not really feasible for large events, well or any event since somehow those rapid tests still don’t seem readily available.

What about volunteers, race officials, etc.? Would the requirement be only for athletes, or all involved?

** i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no?**

Quite the opposite. The vaccines are still, technically, under emergency approval and not required for anyone. Once the vaccines get full approval, I can easily foresee schools requiring proof of vaccination from both students and staffs.

As per your OP, I’m in favor of requiring vaccinations and proof of vaccinations for racing. Even if there are people who will forge their papers (as some fear), they will likely be in the minority. If they are going down this path, then proof needs to be provided by both registrants and volunteers.

That’s a great question for a ST poll. I have no problem with any local tri deciding to only accept registrations from participants who have proof of Covid vaccine once vaccines have been readily available to everyone in the community for enough time for them to become fully vaccinated.