Project 25 and Schedule F

“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump posted on his social media website. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

If I take him at his word, this pretty much disqualifies him. So he either is not paying attention to what he should or is a blatant liar. Either way, that person cannot be president. Bring on the ghost of Joe Biden.

So he either is not paying attention to what he should or is a blatant liar.

You’re being far to kind. Trump has given us ample evidence that it’s highly likely that both of those are true.

olivers content is declining. here he is telling you who to vote for straight out. if you are going to be satrical comedy guy , need to cater to both sides some how

When one side is absolute shit it’s hard to both sides everything. Or even anything.

There’s no both sides. Trump and his minions are trying take over the country and reimagine it how Trump wants it. A country in which he is a dictator and nobody challenges him.

Those providing cover for, or supporting Trump own Project 25. Those who are “just asking questions”, or both sides-ing, shall own this.

I think Trump is inevitable, and one half of the US needs to do some soul searching about who “they” are as a nation.

Trump is lying again.

Here is Trump Senior Advisor and former appointee John McEntee, who helped draft Project 2025, explaining to Steve Bannon last July how Trump plans to implement the plan immediately after taking office. But Trump doesn’t know these people or anything about it.

Those providing cover for, or supporting Trump own Project 25. Those who are “just asking questions”, or both sides-ing, shall own this.

I think Trump is inevitable, and one half of the US needs to do some soul searching about who “they” are as a nation.

One of the major appeals of Trump ties into why people will be OK with this as well. At the end of the day, Trump is the ultimate Fuck You. And there are many people, even seemingly reasonable ones, that say Fuck You to somebody in their head every day. Could be a boss, a co-worker who got a promotion they thought they deserved, neighbor, sibling, etc. And while there may be some legit basis, a lot of it is envy, so they resent.

As always, I use people close to me as point of reference. Overall I think my father is a reasonable and genuinely good person. I don’t think he particularly likes who Trump is. But I know he likes what he represents more than he cares to admit to me. And his opinion on politicians in general is “They’re all elitist”. It has to do with deep seeded insecurities.

I don’t know if he voted for Trump. He says he didn’t vote because he doesn’t like any of them. I’m not convinced that is true. I know he did not vote for Hillary. Did not and will not vote for Biden, or Harris. So at minimum he is an abstain for Trump, or pull the lever Trump. Sad.

denounce the parts that swing voters might find objectionable

He will never be asked, nor will he ever answer, as to the parts that he does not agree with.

Someone asked him what his favorite book in the Bible or a quote he liked, and he couldn’t answer those questions either

If someone asked me, I might say “Jesus wept” because it’s nice & short and easy to remember, or simply answer “First Corinthians” because everyone who’s ever been to a Catholic wedding knows it, without reciting the entire thing

denounce the parts that swing voters might find objectionable

He will never be asked, nor will he ever answer, as to the parts that he does not agree with.

Someone asked him what his favorite book in the Bible or a quote he liked, and he couldn’t answer those questions either

If someone asked me, I might say “Jesus wept” because it’s nice & short and easy to remember, or simply answer “First Corinthians” because everyone who’s ever been to a Catholic wedding knows it, without reciting the entire thing

The best part of that whole exchange was Trump looking like the school boy who hasn’t done the assignment getting called on in front of the class and trying to bullshit his way through an answer.

Trump continues to try to distance himself from Project 2025, while the authors of Project 2025 admit that Trump is making a “tactical decision” to distance himself from it because “it had become a liability.” I mean, does he think people won’t see through this BS? Sadly, many probably won’t. But the fact that Trump keeps mentioning it in his speeches, and trying desperately to avoid being associated with it, speaks volumes about how toxic it actually is!

By the way, per “Schedule F” that Trump has said is very radical, as Trump was about to leave office in 2020 he actually issued an executive order known as Schedule F, which laid the groundwork to reclassify up to 50,000 career civil servant jobs as political appointees, who could then be fired and replaced.

So when Trump says he knows nothing about Schedule F, he’s either lying, or he was not running the show in the White House in 2020, and had no idea what was going on.

By the way, per “Schedule F” that Trump has said is very radical, as Trump was about to leave office in 2020 he actually issued an executive order known as Schedule F, which laid the groundwork to reclassify up to 50,000 career civil servant jobs as political appointees, who could then be fired and replaced.

So when Trump says he knows nothing about Schedule F, he’s either lying, or he was not running the show in the White House in 2020, and had no idea what was going on.

He is lying. He wants to be elected and lying is required. Once in office will lie again about the current lie and will seek to legislate or EO an expansion to political patronage. Plain and simple.

The campaign must really be sweating the bad press on this. Second official statement issued on the subject.

Trump Campaign Statement on Project 2025’s Demise

"President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way.

Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign-it will not end well for you."

  • Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita

Doesn’t really dovetail well with their Veep candidate and his statements about it.

”If I was giving him one piece of advice” for a second term, Vance said on a 2021 podcast:

“Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

Do we have a “How long before JD is replaced” thread yet?

The campaign must really be sweating the bad press on this. Second official statement issued on the subject.

Trump Campaign Statement on Project 2025’s Demise

"President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way.

Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign-it will not end well for you."

  • Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita

Doesn’t really dovetail well with their Veep candidate and his statements about it.

”If I was giving him one piece of advice” for a second term, Vance said on a 2021 podcast:

“Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

Do we have a “How long before JD is replaced” thread yet?

Can confirm:

Project 2025 leader’s book with JD Vance introduction delayed until after election

What does it say about your policies when you feel that you have to hide them until after the election?

What does it say about your policies when you feel that you have to hide them until after the election?

“You have to elect them so that you can find out what their policies are.”

  • Nancy Pelosi (probably)

olivers content is declining. here he is telling you who to vote for straight out. if you are going to be satrical comedy guy , need to cater to both sides some how

I would say two things:

  1. John Oliver is the epitome of an “opinion piece.” And he has a very well researched show that continues to win awards every year. Criticizing him for expressing his opinion is not understanding his show.

  2. Beyond criticizing the messenger, what are your thoughts on the content of the message?

Reading Synthetic’s post makes me think it’s time to consider that “both sides”, “liberal media”, peer review, left/right, and other noxious concepts were foisted on us by the global authoritarian project. This has been going on since 1971 and the Powell memo and if “the media” skews left, it’s because reality skews left, IOW the right is making up a fiction that is hard for the human brain to comprehend and so that’s why a well researched segment like John Oliver seems to lean the way he leans. He’s just describing reality or ground truth.

Perhaps the proximity of the Church committee in in 1975 to the Powell memo of 1971 is not a coincidence… it’s been a massive counterintelligence failure ever since. Something about our institutions got neutered.


What does it say about your policies when you feel that you have to hide them until after the election?

I was thinking about this yesterday. I’m curious what a campaign season would look like if it were just a straight debate from both sides about the policies they intended to push.

No mocking and name calling, no talk about how so and so looks, who had sex with which furniture, no hidden agendas or accusing the other side of doing something they had no intention of doing.

Just talk about the actual policy goals and intentions of each side. Pretty sure I have never seen such a thing. Not sure if it has ever occured in the history of man.

What does it say about your policies when you feel that you have to hide them until after the election?

I was thinking about this yesterday. I’m curious what a campaign season would look like if it were just a straight debate from both sides about the policies they intended to push.

No mocking and name calling, no talk about how so and so looks, who had sex with which furniture, no hidden agendas or accusing the other side of doing something they had no intention of doing.

Just talk about the actual policy goals and intentions of each side. Pretty sure I have never seen such a thing. Not sure if it has ever occured in the history of man.

My understanding of the Trump platform (please correct me where I’m wrong):

Tariffs on all imports
Deport all undocumented immigrants
Redesignate tens of thousands of career civil servants as political appointees and replace them with loyalists
Stop funding support for Ukraine
Reduce/roll back environmental protections
Cut taxes for businesses and wealthy citizens