Project 25 and Schedule F

Why? Satire doesn’t have to both sides anything.

The pinnacle of Satire was MAD Magazine, and - to synthetic’s point - they made fun of everybody

But, I agree with you that it doesn’t mean that’s how it has to be; there’s no “equal time” requirement in Comedy

“I made jokes about this group, I should be ‘fair’ and make jokes about that group”

I could be wrong, because I’m not a Comic, nor a Comedian

Why? Satire doesn’t have to both sides anything.

Because in this type of comedy becomes yes man audience. The joke may actually not be funny or something you agree with, yet provide a chuckle when the guy lights up the “applause” sign… maybe this is a trend in all of comedy now, such as it happens in fictional tv shows where they use that piano to simulate audience laughter. Can be seen on new show “night court” which I stumbled on

I definitely disagree. Satirists definitely “take a side”. You aren’t suggesting that someone like Jonathon Swift, Voltaire, Moliere, Orwell, … were politically neutral are you?

It is also pretty obvious that his show is not meant to be taken as straight comedy. It is political commentary with a humorous bent. Always has been.

“With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.”

Pretty scary. But according to Synthetic that kind of stuff has been going on for, well, forever….

Ahh I see the sarcasm, so you choose to insult me to search harder? Then I won’t play that game. But before your post quickly found Biden A team turn over 71%, cabinet 13%

What? Biden did what exactly?

Ahh I see the sarcasm, so you choose to insult me to search harder? Then I won’t play that game. But before your post quickly found Biden A team turn over 71%, cabinet 13%

What? Biden did what exactly?

I think he’s conflating the mostly voluntary churn among very senior White House staff to the proposed actions in this thread.

Synthetic: Near-100% turnover in senior White House staff is expected for every incoming administration. Not a lot of Trump holdovers in the Biden administration, and there weren’t a lot of Obama holdovers in the Trump White House. This is not what this thread is about.

Ahh I see the sarcasm, so you choose to insult me to search harder? Then I won’t play that game. But before your post quickly found Biden A team turn over 71%, cabinet 13%

What? Biden did what exactly?

I think he’s conflating the mostly voluntary churn among very senior White House staff to the proposed actions in this thread.

Synthetic: Near-100% turnover in senior White House staff is expected for every incoming administration. Not a lot of Trump holdovers in the Biden administration, and there weren’t a lot of Obama holdovers in the Trump White House. This is not what this thread is about.

Hopefully he’ll clarify that he wasn’t talking about Biden culling tens of thousands of competent civil servants.

I’ve never payed close attention to the Heritage Foundation though I’m well aware of who they are and their purpose. I’m a little surprised to see them associating with Bannon and using this kind of extreme language. That didn’t seem to be their M.O. in the past (though I may be confusing them with National Review, which leaned anti-Trump generally IIRC). But I guess if you want to wake up with fleas you need to lie down with dogs, and Bannon and his shitbag cohorts are the only sure way to access Trump’s power.

NEW YORK — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, adding that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.”

Democrats are “apoplectic right now” because the right is winning, Roberts told former U.S. Rep. Dave Brat, one of the podcast’s guest hosts as Bannon is serving a four-month prison term. “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

I thought I read somewhere that this relatively new guy at the head of the Heritage Foundation either admires Victor Orban or actually has a relationship of some kind with him recently. They’re both into Christian “democracies,” which are just Christian authoritarian states— not actual democracies.

“Roberts took over the presidency of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, and he shifted it from a conservative think tank to an organization devoted to “institutionalizing Trumpism.” Central to that project for Roberts has been working to bring the policies of Hungary’s president Viktor Orbán, a close ally of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, to the United States.

In 2023, Roberts brought the Heritage Foundation into a formal partnership with Hungary’s Danube Institute, a think tank overseen by a foundation that is directly funded by the Hungarian government; as journalist Casey Michel reported, it is, “for all intents and purposes, a state-funded front for pushing pro-Orbán rhetoric.” The Danube Institute has given grants to far-right figures in the U.S., and, Michel noted in March, “we have no idea how much funding may be flowing directly from Orbán’s regime to the Heritage Foundation.” Roberts has called modern Hungary “not just a model for conservative statecraft but the model.”

Victor Orban is meeting w/ Putin soon, I think I read.

Today, Trump is saying he knows nothing about Project 2025, nor who is behind it (hint: many of his former advisors, and Trump’s own Super PAC is paying for some of their ads). Despite not knowing anything about it, he disagrees with some of the things they are saying, and wishes them luck.

Today, Trump is saying he knows nothing about Project 2025, nor who is behind it (hint: many of his former advisors, and Trump’s own Super PAC is paying for some of their ads). Despite not knowing anything about it, he disagrees with some of the things they are saying, and wishes them luck.

No dummy, he knows the danger posed by this collaboration effort and product. The project loses his swing voters, so he continues to not endorse it. There is a party platform to be written this election. Wanna bet the platform adopted by the delegates at the convention only picks out the most palatable elements of the project to include.

Per wiki: In May 2023, it was announced that McEntee was joining The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 as a senior advisor. Described by the New York Times as “one of Trump’s most trusted aides”, McEntee’s association with Project 2025 serves as the main link between the Heritage Foundation and former President Trump. The New York Times has reported that his role includes working as “part of a team searching for potential lawyers” for Trump’s next Administration.

Doesn’t know anything….another lie.

Today, Trump is saying he knows nothing about Project 2025, nor who is behind it (hint: many of his former advisors, and Trump’s own Super PAC is paying for some of their ads). Despite not knowing anything about it, he disagrees with some of the things they are saying, and wishes them luck.

No dummy, he knows the danger posed by this collaboration effort and product. The project loses his swing voters, so he continues to not endorse it. There is a party platform to be written this election. Wanna bet the platform adopted by the delegates at the convention only picks out the most palatable elements of the project to include.

The danger for Trump lies not in the collaboration and product, but in public knowledge of the collaboration and product. Small but important distinction.

Did not the Republican Party just adopt for 2020 the same platform it had in 2024? I don’t think they will take the time or effort to change anything, as if any platform matters.

The main point is that Project 2025 is a serious threat to our democracy, and Trump is flat out lying about his lack of knowledge and support of it. Case in point: Trump’s Press Secretary appears in recruitment ads for this. Shocking, I know.

He didn’t just say it casually, he specifically posted about it on TS:

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Absolutely full of shit. “ridiculous and abysmal”….and good luck!

This is a well worn tactic for him, plead hilariously implausible ignorance, denounce the parts that swing voters might find objectionable, then give them a hand job on the way out the door.

denounce the parts that swing voters might find objectionable

He will never be asked, nor will he ever answer, as to the parts that he does not agree with. Mostly, because he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about policy.

Today, Trump is saying he knows nothing about Project 2025, nor who is behind it (hint: many of his former advisors, and Trump’s own Super PAC is paying for some of their ads). Despite not knowing anything about it, he disagrees with some of the things they are saying, and wishes them luck.

No dummy, he knows the danger posed by this collaboration effort and product. The project loses his swing voters, so he continues to not endorse it. There is a party platform to be written this election. Wanna bet the platform adopted by the delegates at the convention only picks out the most palatable elements of the project to include.

The danger for Trump lies not in the collaboration and product, but in public knowledge of the collaboration and product. Small but important distinction.

Did not the Republican Party just adopt for 2020 the same platform it had in 2024? I don’t think they will take the time or effort to change anything, as if any platform matters.

The main point is that Project 2025 is a serious threat to our democracy, and Trump is flat out lying about his lack of knowledge and support of it. Case in point: Trump’s Press Secretary appears in recruitment ads for this. Shocking, I know.

His campaign long ago went on record about not endorsing the project in its entirety. What Trump says now is like always, one day it is this, next day it is that. The main point of this project is that it is a serious effort to correct all past democratic party policies and regulations and if adopted wholly by legislation, regulation or EO is dangerous. No doubt.
As you say in '20 they ignored the platform writing and said “if the boss says go for it we go for it. He might not know now what he wants, but when he does we will do it”. This year they said they will put it down in writing. My point being lets give them the rope and see how much of the far reaching project makes it in.

“What Trump says now is like always, one day it is this, next day it is that.”

It still amazes me that someone that literally no one would appoint to a cabinet level position for every reason imaginable sits at the top of the ticket.

Policy, nope. Communication, nope. Strategy, nope. Logistics, nope. Diplomacy, nope. Expertise, nope. Military experience, nope. Nope, nope, nope and more nope.

It was true back when and is still true. He was able to message empathy and love to a certain segment. With the caveat that the DC crowd could care less about them. He was their savior and remains so. They don’t care whether he gets them the results they need and want. They fell for him and pride prevents them from quitting him.

As you say in '20 they ignored the platform writing and said “if the boss says go for it we go for it. He might not know now what he wants, but when he does we will do it”. This year they said they will put it down in writing. My point being lets give them the rope and see how much of the far reaching project makes it in.

Taken from a Biden HQ X post:

This is top Trump aide Russ Vought, one of the authors of Project 2025. He is also in charge of the Republican Party’s platform committee. Yes, the same person writing Project 2025 is writing Trump’s GOP platform.

At least the media is finally talking about this. Blast this daily and connect Trump to it in every way possible as it is batshit crazy and should scare just about anyone.

Trump does have a ceiling, but his ceiling is higher than Biden’s floor, this can serve to reduce the difference between.

Republicans complain about the Deep State, but this would truly be a deep state if implemented.