Profile design aero hammock, can you still buy one anywhere?

Doing a bike tour this summer and remembered seeing the aero hammock’s that people used to have on their tri bikes, underneath the aero bars, does anyone still have one and want to sell it, and or know where to buy a new one?

I have an aero hammock and love it. I don’t think they are associated with Profile Design. They are having an anniversary sale right now on their website. Just google it.

Look here…

That’s not the one I was refering to but it’s close, the one I was looking at was much bigger, almost looked like you could take a entire profile aero drink system and put it into the mesh, with plenty room to spare. But this is pretty close, may have to settle for it if I can’t track a larger one down.

Wow, I know what your talking about. I haven’t seen one of those in about 10 years.

here you go - third product down:

it’s actually made by TNI, called the “aeronet”.


-mistress k

awesome, thank you!