Profile aerodrink problem

Hey everyone,

I’m positive others have run into this. I have the profile aerodrink bottle strapped on to my aerobars (as per manufacturers instructions…hmm, rubber bands, wonder how soon those will break?!), and when I went for a ride for the first time and went over some rumble strips, about half the water spilled out on me and the sponge/filter ended up in the ditch necessitating a stop to go back and fish the damn thing out of the dirt. Other than avoiding bumps of any sort, any suggestions on how to alleviate this problem? I figured perhaps covering the opening with plastic wrap and opening it up in a tri just to fill it up. Seems kind of drastic though.

Thanks in advance!


ive simply covered the opening using the supplied rubber bands and a large waterbottle cap. Cross the rubberbands in a figure 8 over the cap. Or use another rubberband and plastic wrap

When I was still using mine, I did a couple things:

  1. I got new rubber bands (I found some white water proof ones used for garbage bags or something. They worked well, and they never broke.
  2. The Sponge/fishnet thing is a joke. I found a company that sells (well at least they used to) pimentos/diced pepper thingies. The lid on the glass jar fit prefect, I would then just wrap the rubber bands a litle differently so they crossed right over the top of it. It stopped the sloshing out of control, but it did make my water taste funny for a little while.

I have had water splash out if I fill the bottle to the extreme top and then go over railroad tracks.

The key is getting that yellow mesh rolled up correctly. First, stretch it out and then roll it up onto itself. Picture having an arm warmer on your arm that you start rolling down your arm until there’s nothing left to rollup. That how you roll up that yellow mesh thingy. It should look like a doughnut when you are done. then just sqoosh it into your bottle.

Also, I think I lost my black Profile rubberbands the first time I pulled bottle off to wash it. I just use any old large rubberband now.

I’ve even used a Lance Armstrong LiveStrong bracelet. Its a tight fit, but works great at holding the bottle down. Had to do that when I showed up at Ralph’s half Ironman with no rubberband. Litterly took the bracelet off my arm and put it on the aero bottle.

Good luck

Fantastic use of a Livestrong !!

EXACT same thing happened to me.

So now I use duct tape. It’s UGLY, but effective.

I might switch to ‘clear’ duct tape just so it isn’t so obviously ghetto when ya look at it quickly.

I can’t believe there are no more elegant solutions to this very stupid problem.

It woulda killed Profile to make a freaking dedicated cover for these, for all those times when on-the-fly refills aren’t the priority?!?!

That yellow fishnet crap is a f’n joke. GRRRRR.

I like the profile bottle but not that yellow mesh thing they use. So I buy the sponge for a jetstream bottle and use that. Fits perfectly and works great.


replace the yellow stuff they give you with a bath poofie. you can even colour match them to your bike :wink:

and i have found the elastics to be rather long lasting.


The shower poof thing was the perfect solution!! Cheap and definitely effective…come in three packs, etc…

I replaced my “yellow thingy” after three races and have not looked back since.

Profile makes a bracket that mounts on your aero bars and your aero drink is secured in the bracket and with a velcro strap.

Your LBS should have them or can get them.

Use a bath poofie for the top. Works great.

KDM wrote: replace the yellow stuff they give you with a bath poofie

This makes the water taste even “funnier” than Ze Gopha’s hot pepper pimento lid. At least, the soapy taste keeps me from cursing! (I had to get a used one from my wife’s bathtub…she’d never let me ruin a new one. Same thing for using a fly swatter to strain teabags…I always get the used one so I won’t ruin a new swatter B-P)

I think the bath poofie is called a loofah sponge… or something to that effect :stuck_out_tongue:

Ditch the rubber bands. You never know when they will break and you don’t want it to happen during a race. Profile makes an “aero bridge” that the bottle slips into nicely. The bridge is supposed to be held on to your bars with velcro but that’s a joke too. Instead use some black zip ties to wrap the bridge around the bar and that sucker will not move. I’ve been using mine like that for two seasons and I love it.

Had mine for one race- well 3/4of a race. Drove me nuts shaking around and stuff, so threw it at guy who was drafting on me at Disney Halflest year… still have one of the bands though. Now use it to hold stuff behind the saddle!


GasoholicMonkey wrote: I think the bath poofie is called a loofah sponge…

Poofie, loofah, whatever: it still makes the water taste like Caress…

Buy a NEW bath poofie thing, it won’t taste like soap that way. Just let it dry after your bike rides so it doesn’t get moldy. I HATE the rubberband things, so I bought the aerobridge thing that profile makes. Bought mine from

I replaced the rubber bands with bungee cord. You can get 1/8" bungee from any outdoor or marine supply store. Tie a couple of loops the appropriate length and the bottle stays tight. I have lots of speed bumps on my routes and that bottle never shifts.

Shower sponge keeps the water inside too.


Target has a small ‘poofie’ with a little nylon rope. I put the poofie in, put the rope around the ‘straw’ and then the rubber bands. It stays on just fine.

I, too, lost the original yellow thingy in a race–great fun.
I ordered the yellow thingy, but found the ‘poofie’ and Target while I was waiting.

Anyone need one of the yellow things?

I use a square of the new Glad Press n Seal plastic wrap. I have been using it for several weeks and so far, it has worked really well.

Buy a NEW bath poofie thing, it won’t taste like soap that way. Just let it dry after your bike rides so it doesn’t get moldy. I HATE the rubberband things, so I bought the aerobridge thing that profile makes. Bought mine from trisports

Hahahahah, yes use a NEW one not a soapy one. I used a new thin dish sponge and it worked great as long as I took it out after each ride. I gave up after the second bottle cracked on me and bought a Jetstream bottle, which fits my bars much better. The sponge in the Jetstream is great though, and I have NEVER had it splash out, even when it’s filled halfway up the sponge.