Problems with my Sole F 80 Treadmill

I am hoping that other Sole treadmill users might be able to help me.

My Sole F 80 treadmill has been performing inconsistently in recent weeks. During the first 30 minutes of use it will occasionally slow and stop. If I push against the track with my feet to keep it going it will slowly recover and go back to speed. After about 30 minutes it seems to run fine, with no further interruptions.

When it first started I had a technician check the machine out and he could find nothing wrong with it. I siliconed the deck and it seemed to be ok for a while.

This does not happen when my wife uses the machine. She is a bit smaller (130ish) than me - 155lbs. If I turn the machine on and let it run, it will go on without stopping.

If I jack up the incline it also seems to run fine.

My sense is that there must be some kind of sensor that is reacting to the pounding of my running.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

would check belt tension both the “walk belt” and the drive belt to the motor although it does not sound like its slipping. I would also make sure the deck is lubed well still It needs it more than I thought it did. Lastly I know there is a sensor under the main cover but I think its for speed should be on the left side under the cover (when you are standing on the Tmill). I don’t think the speed sensor would have anything to do with it but that is the only sensor I know.

I think it may be a couple things:
First, your belt tension sounds off. You can usually adjust it with a 6mm (?) allen key on the two side at the back. Go by 1/4 turns and don’t overtighten.
Second, the rubber drive belt (btw. motor and belt rollers) on mine degraded and I had to replace it. That belt has ridges that slot into groves on the motor + belt rollers. Once the rubber ridges tore off, there was nothing for the rotor to hold and it slipped like crazy despite belt tensioning. Look under the motor cover for little rubber threads and feel that drive belt to diagnose. If a tech came and looked then it probably isn’t this, but don’t assume.
Third, make sure you’re lubing enough. If you’re using the machine heavily, you may want/need to lube more frequently. Good luck!

Thanks for the ideas. I’ve been using an aerosol silicon recently cause my local shop was out of the silicon in a tube. Maybe that’s the problem. It just strikes me as odd that the machine works fine for my wife and daughter and that it works well for me if I add incline.

I’ll check the belt tonight.

The spray isn’t as good or durable (imho) as the tube stuff. Sliding uphill is hard, so incline probably does help minimize your slipping. And maybe their weight+stride is different enough from yours that the slip only happens to you? Either way, hope you get it fixed!

Thanks, I appreciate your help.