There have been American “teams” over the years, the problem is most of these teams have 2nd/3rd tier pros on them. They never have the budget to have multiple big time names on them, and when athletes do make it big they jump out to being on their own.
The biggest draws to these teams are that they typically have a bike deal, which is harder to come by than a straight cash sponsor in our sport. The biggest draw back is you end up with a bunch of other sponsors that go along with it, and most of the time you are giving up performance benefits with some of those other sponsors that you are required to represent (kit, helmets, saddles, cranks, etc.).
BMC is the only team I can think of that has outlasted all of the other teams, and it was great to see Bob (& the team) get their first World Championship this year after being so close in the past. But the same thing happened there that had happened with Team TBB in the past. You get an athlete early in their career, help them along and then they start performing well and they become too big for your team and you can no longer afford them, and off they go to their own. TBB had ended up building protections into their contracts after this happened with Chrissie, but at the end of the day the athlete will be able to typically leave and find more money and support on their own once they reach a certain level.
I wouldn’t consider Bahrain, HEP, Trek, VESPA as “teams”, they are more so title sponsors for most of the athletes they support, not requiring all the athletes to have the same sponsors as BMC & Real Tri Squad do.
It’s a tough concept to get to succeed, you need a big enough financial backer/sponsor, and then enough brands to build around the team, along with athletes that want to be setup in the team environment.
When you look back at history of the sport, the most successful team is TBB which was built around a coach and then a business man (Alex Bok), the coach brought all the top athletes, and Alex brought the rest, and the amount of World Champions and IM/70.3 Wins that flowed out of that team will likely never be matched by another team. Then you have Team Abu Dhabi, and my knowledge of that setup is very minimal, but believe Rachel Joyce was on the IM World Champs podium when on the team, and Faris Al Sultan was also on the team. And BMC is now the best represented team with the longest standing history in the sport currently.
I wouldn’t say it’s not an “American” thing simply because it’s not really a triathlon thing, and it’s really really hard to make it succeed long term, and it should never be structured around a single country in terms of athlete reprsentation.