Pro Ironman Chattanooga Race Report- my first Ironman!

A huge respect for Ironman athletes. Thanks for reading my race report!

Good read, thank you. Congratulations and best to you in future races.

Congrats, man!
we were being held back literally by a rope…and even holding onto that was quite a task
I wondered how the queued you up.

Studly power numbers too! How big of a fellow are you?
Did the pro field ride together, or were you guys strung out alone?

In another part of your blog, I saw that you were 6’2" and around 180 lbs. Its amazing how many watts it takes to push the “big” guys across a bike course. Congrats on a nice first IM!!!

Being a bigger guy it does hurt me as I race the longer distances but even when I am putting in 25 to almost 30 hour weeks the lightest I will get is mid 170’s. Even running 90-100 mile weeks in College XC and track, I was never below 174 pounds. You work with the body you are given:) I was trying to be conservative if my approach to the full distance…this past year I averaged 328 watts at Texas 70.3 and split a 2:05 there but then paid for it on the bike. Finding that watt number to make you bike and run the fastest combination can be tough to really nail down.

As for the bike, I was by myself a good portion of it as I wanted to ride my own race and hit my numbers. I let some people go in the beginning and in doing so caught them in the later miles.

Keep the questions coming!

The weather was absolutely perfect on race day. Don’t believe we will be that fortunate again.

What do you use for nutrition on the bike/run? You mentioned a nutrition/hydration plan in your blog but I am curious what are your calories of choice?

I actually train and race with all Powerbar products and also use bananas as a treat in training. This summer when I had those 130 mile rides I would stop around 100 for a can a coke - a nice treat to look forward to.

When it comes to calories I try to hit around 275 an hour. I tried taking in 300 calories/hour but it was too much. For IM Chattanooga I took in 4 bottlea of IM perform at 175 calories each with 3 Smoothie Powerbars and 1 Powerbar Gel right as I am headed into t2. That adds up to about 1400-1450 calories

I also was trying to take in a 3 to 2 water to Perform ratio. I would rather have to pee on the bike than not get enough in. It will be interesting to see how the Gatorade Endurance Fromula works next year.