Prize money for amateurs (prize purse < $5000)

I raced the Santa Rosa Island Triathlon this morning in Pensacola FL as an age grouper (30-34 female). I tried to get moved into the Elite wave this morning, but race director said no because I am not a licensed pro and need to have won some big races previously (I guess B2B half, savannah marathon, and 3rd AG at IM chattanooga last year don’t count). There were 2 females in the Elite wave, one was a licensed pro. I beat both of them. The prize purse for the race was $3,000, with $1000 going to first place overall male and female. As I was told by one of the referees, because the purse was <5K, the money should be open to any finisher, not just limited to the Elite wave. However, they awarded the $1000 check to the pro that I beat and said that it was the race directors decision to give her the money (in fact they only distributed money to the 2 elite women and didn’t give out the $150 for third place to anyone). I feel a little jilted by this, but do I have any grounds for a complaint? Is there a USAT rule somewhere that trumps what the director told me or does the race director have the ultimate say in this case? Thanks for your input! $1000 would mean I could fly home to NC and spectate my friends in IM North Carolina this year!

I’m a few years removed from this, but I doubt the $5000 rule has changed. Over $5000 total to disburse and anyone receiving money must be a elite card holder. Under $5000 and the RD can do whatever the hell he/she pleases. Don’t know why the RD would want to avoid giving money to the fastest person when he has the option to do so, but unfortunately for you, he can do it however he wants.

Cash Prizes

USAT licensed pros and very fast triathletes (pre-approved by the Race Director) may register in the Elite category. Prize money will be awarded ONLY to the first three male and female Elite finishers. 1st Place M/F $1,000, 2nd Place M/F $350, 3rd Place M/F $150.

This is directly from the races website. Since you didn’t get to race in the elite wave, I highly doubt you will get the $1k.

I don’t believe there is any USAT rule about this.

I’d be pretty pissed though. Did you try to register in the elite wave when you originally registered? I’ve never heard of a race where the RD has to approve someone to be in the “elite/open” wave. Did you mention something to him after the race?

Thanks for your thoughts! I admit I waited too last minute to get into the Elite wave. I did talk to the RD after the race but he said “my rule is that I only give money out to those in the Elite wave but congrats on your race.” Oh well, I figured it was at least worth looking into…

The RD has a legitimate point. If he wants all those eligible for the money to be racing head to head out of the elite wave, then that is fair. He should permit non elite card holders into that wave, and it sounds like he does but just that you did not get yourself into that wave.

Life goes on. Try SavageMan. Between the 50.0, 70.0, 120.0 and fastest swim, bike, run primes, there is good money to be had and it’s been years since a pro-quality female field has been assembled there so that money has in recent years gone to somewhat fast amateurs who have been surprised to discover they won money, let alone pretty good money.

Thanks for the suggestion, and I did get a really cool prize! It’s a hand carved wooden totem about 3 feet tall. It’s probably the most unique prize I’ve ever won and I’m happy and thankful for that :slight_smile: Regardless of the $$ it was still a fun race!

usat should drop this rule so there is less sand bagging. open prize money will bring in more competitors/participants. i see this with running races.
this at a time where tri participation is declining …

It is really simple, you either race in the elite wave for money, or the next for AG prizes. Trying to move to another category the morning of a race is really annoying for a RD, they have so much on their plates that this kind of thing is going to just be told no every time. You learned the hard way, next time take your case when you register.

Anyway good race, hard to lose a grand, but really was not the races fault. When racing for money it needs to be head to head…