President Thin Skin to skip White House Correspondents dinner

The last President to miss it was Reagan but he had recently been shot.

What’s fucking pussy Trump is. He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

His last appearance didn’t go so well. I seem to recall smoke coming out of his ears

Maybe he heeded the advice of this advisers who need the likelihood of it being a train wreck was extremely high.

Perhaps Clint Eastwood will show up. With an empty chair.

So he’s not going to the smug, liberal, overly semf important, circle jerk nerd prom? This is actually one of his recent media interactions that should be above criticism.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a stupid affair. But he’s not going because he’s a pussy that can’t stand it when people make fun of him.

Even the event he went to a few months ago where he was supposed to poke fun at himself the closest he came was mocking his wife.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a stupid affair. But he’s not going because he’s a pussy that can’t stand it when people make fun of him.

Even the event he went to a few months ago where he was supposed to poke fun at himself the closest he came was mocking his wife.

So he’s not going to a stupid affair hosted by a hostile group the purpose of which is to mock him? I don’t see where your argument he should go is. Tradition?

Not a master of self depreciating humour.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a stupid affair. But he’s not going because he’s a pussy that can’t stand it when people make fun of him.

Even the event he went to a few months ago where he was supposed to poke fun at himself the closest he came was mocking his wife.

So he’s not going to a stupid affair hosted by a hostile group the purpose of which is to mock him? I don’t see where your argument he should go is. Tradition?

Backbone? Humility? Respect for things you don’t like?

Pretty useful qualities for a President to have.

He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.


He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

and with that he set rules about things they werent allowed to mock him for. mostly his failures. the man has the thinnest skin of any president in our lifetimes. it doesnt take much honesty to recognize it.


Alec Baldwin should attend in his place.

He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

and with that he set rules about things they werent allowed to mock him for. mostly his failures. the man has the thinnest skin of any president in our lifetimes. it doesnt take much honesty to recognize it.


If you say so. Sounds true. Do you have a source for that?

He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

and with that he set rules about things they werent allowed to mock him for. mostly his failures. the man has the thinnest skin of any president in our lifetimes. it doesnt take much honesty to recognize it.

Ha Ha! The snowflake in chief! What a pussy!


I’m happy he is skipping it.

If he was there, he would spend the next year with his 3:00 am Tweets about anyone who said something remotely critical.

“The host was such a disaster, not funny. Sad”

“It was the biggest television audience in history, really big, and millions in person waiting to get in. Next year we need a bigger stadium, maybe a football stadium.”

“The lying media was there, such liars, dishonest people, trust me.”

He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

and with that he set rules about things they werent allowed to mock him for. mostly his failures. the man has the thinnest skin of any president in our lifetimes. it doesnt take much honesty to recognize it.


I was going to say, I guarantee he set the rules.

feels like a tactical error to me, based on his own lack of bigness. can you imagine how powerfully he would flip the script and shut down so many critics if he were able to show up and just play the part for an hour? just smile, be self-deprecating, thank everyone for coming out, and then leave. easy. . . but so difficult.

He can’t bear the thought of someone roasting him.

and with that he set rules about things they werent allowed to mock him for. mostly his failures. the man has the thinnest skin of any president in our lifetimes. it doesnt take much honesty to recognize it.


If you say so. Sounds true. Do you have a source for that?

there are a ton of articles about it where the writers talk about it. they can be found by goolge. i listen to a few comedy podcasts and this was talked about at the time. and since then, ive seen more articles with the same tales.

**So he’s not going to the smug, liberal, overly semf important, circle jerk nerd prom? This is actually one of his recent media interactions that should be above criticism. **

Your gymnastics ability is impressive.

**So he’s not going to the smug, liberal, overly semf important, circle jerk nerd prom? This is actually one of his recent media interactions that should be above criticism. **

Your gymnastics ability is impressive.

How so?