Predictions -- S&P500 ends 2023 at?

Thought we could have some fun. Closest, either over or under, simply closest, this is not price is write.


Thought we could have some fun. Closest, either over or under, simply closest, this is not price is write.


4375 - But I’m more than fine if you are right


The schizophrenia of the S&P 500 the last few months has been entertaining.


The schizophrenia of the S&P 500 the last few months has been entertaining.


If J. Powell would just keep his trap shut the market will figure itself out. You can’t come out last week and say we might be done, just to flip flop again today and say we need rates longer.

The schizophrenia of the S&P 500 the last few months has been entertaining.


If J. Powell would just keep his trap shut the market will figure itself out. You can’t come out last week and say we might be done, just to flip flop again today and say we need rates longer.

I hear you but the market needs guidance. I wasn’t really surprised by Powell’s comments today.


You shut your mouth…


You shut your mouth…

It’s more likely to be down than up

10% ish seemed like a good place to pick


You shut your mouth…

It’s more likely to be down than up

10% ish seemed like a good place to pick

I agree with Windy.


You shut your mouth…

It’s more likely to be down than up

10% ish seemed like a good place to pick

I agree with Windy.

Yeah, me too.


Quite possible it hits Windy’s number, but it will certainly bounce off a 10% decline. The charters will have it all mapped out, and then the algorithms will kick in and start the next push to 5000. The trick here is guessing where in that cycle Jan 1st will be, I figure the pain will be in December, short and sweet with a Santa Claus rally to push it to my number…

Or that could just be the number of jelly beans in the jar at the candy shop…

Santa Claus Rally


Quite possible it hits Windy’s number, but it will certainly bounce off a 10% decline. The charters will have it all mapped out, and then the algorithms will kick in and start the next push to 5000. The trick here is guessing where in that cycle Jan 1st will be, I figure the pain will be in December, short and sweet with a Santa Claus rally to push it to my number…

Or that could just be the number of jelly beans in the jar at the candy shop…

I tend to think there might be a bit of tax loss selling that might drive it lower in December.


You shut your mouth…

It’s more likely to be down than up

10% ish seemed like a good place to pick

I agree with Windy.

The irony of consensus in conjunction with the efficient market hypothesis is that, now, that consensus is unlikely to actually happen.



Correction will come



Correction will come


What will be corrected?

Thought we could have some fun. Closest, either over or under, simply closest, this is not price is write.



The schizophrenia of the S&P 500 the last few months has been entertaining.


If J. Powell would just keep his trap shut the market will figure itself out. You can’t come out last week and say we might be done, just to flip flop again today and say we need rates longer.

I hear you but the market needs guidance. I wasn’t really surprised by Powell’s comments today.

this comment may betray my lack of understanding of financial markets, but to me at least it seems like Powell uses opportunities to speak in order to stop the markets from rallying significantly as part of his monetary policy. He has a vested interest in keeping us feeling as financially insecure as possible so we don’t start feeling wealthy and aggressively dipping into our (would be rapidly growing) brokerage accounts and 401Ks and spending more or retiring early.