Pray for the Florida panhandle

We need your prayers. Look at those low temperatures. I thought I lived in Florida, not the North Pole. I’m not confident that we’ll survive the week. I expect that I may actually have to wear socks with my flip-flops when I take the dogs out. We may just let them go in the house so we don’t have to go outside.

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

If you don’t hear from me next week, it will probably mean the worst.

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 10.52.59 AM.png

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

Be prepared to make and consume a freedom shit-ton of milk sandwiches.

Up here in the Northeast where we get actual winter, anytime there’s a storm approaching, the stores are sold out of milk and bread.

The obvious conclusion is that one only survives non-flip-flop weather by ingesting vast quantities of milk sandwiches.

the stores are sold out of milk and bread.

One of the grocery stores here actually set up a table piled high with bread in front of the milk case.

Ts and Ps. From Upper Michigan.

We need your prayers. Look at those low temperatures. I thought I lived in Florida, not the North Pole. I’m not confident that we’ll survive the week. I expect that I may actually have to wear socks with my flip-flops when I take the dogs out. We may just let them go in the house so we don’t have to go outside.

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

If you don’t hear from me next week, it will probably mean the worst.

I’m no help. Anytime there might be bad weather, I tend to stock up on junk food. As long as there’s chips - there’s hope.

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

Be prepared to make and consume a freedom shit-ton of milk sandwiches.

Up here in the Northeast where we get actual winter, anytime there’s a storm approaching, the stores are sold out of milk and bread.

The obvious conclusion is that one only survives non-flip-flop weather by ingesting vast quantities of milk sandwiches.

I didn’t know that we’re supposed to do that. I don’t drink milk, but I guess I’ll go buy a gallon anyway.

Its milk, bread and eggs. Don’t forget the eggs. French Toast is essential to survive any severe weather event.

The real issue is going to be frozen pipes. When you get down into the low 20’s, houses that aren’t designed with those temps in mind can have real issues.

That’s 40 degrees warmer than yesterday here just remember

Its milk, bread and eggs. Don’t forget the eggs. French Toast is essential to survive any severe weather event.

The real issue is going to be frozen pipes. When you get down into the low 20’s, houses that aren’t designed with those temps in mind can have real issues.

I love French toast, so now I can see the logic.

Last year a bunch of houses in Georgia had pipe burst (bust?) after temperatures got into the low teens. There was water damage inside a lot of them - mostly originating on outside walls. And it is for the reason you mentioned - the houses weren’t designed to handle those temperatures. My house is brick, so that helps a lot with insulation.

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

Beer. Always beer.

We have a customer in Tampa requesting that we expedite a part they need. It is out for special coating in Elgin, IL. In case you are unaware, both the Chicago and Memphis FedEx hubs are severely limited due to weather. Email:

Me: We requested overnight delivery service from our processing house in Elgin, IL. The tracking number shows it delayed due to weather with tomorrow as the estimated delivery date. It was picked up Tuesday.

Customer: Why do all of the northern companies use weather as an excuse for not being able to deliver?

Me: It isn’t our processor, or us, it is FedEx. I have no control over their performance

Customer: Another excuse. You are on Long Island. Just send a driver to pick it up.

I haven’t decided how to respond to that one yet.

I just drove to the store for milk, so I’ve got experience driving in cold weather. Do you need me to drive to LI and pick it up? If so, I can do it after I run back to the store for eggs. Nobody bothered to tell me that you need eggs until after I had already made a trip in the brutal cold. I actually had to turn the heater on in my car. What is this world coming to?

It sounds like the client has never been out of the south. I try to avoid the north when the weather is extremely cold, but have some experience with it. I drove to Boston in 2015 (or so) when they had the heavy snows. I spent 4-5 hours sleeping in my car on the interstate because it had closed down for an accident or something due to snow. I bet he would sing a different tune if you told him that you would cut the cost on the part if he would only drive up to get it. “No, no. It can wait”

That’s 40 degrees warmer than yesterday here just remember

Yeah, but your blood is thickened from all that Zima that you drink - so it is different. Orange juice thins blood and that’s a scientific fact, or something.

That’s 40 degrees warmer than yesterday here just remember

Do you drive a Tesla?

With a high of about 70 on Wed, you will probably do just fine.

The terrifying part is because of global warming your house will be washed away into the sea in the next ten years or something like that. That is why all the coastal property can be had for pennies on the dollar right now…oh wait.

We have a customer in Tampa requesting that we expedite a part they need. It is out for special coating in Elgin, IL. In case you are unaware, both the Chicago and Memphis FedEx hubs are severely limited due to weather. Email:

Me: We requested overnight delivery service from our processing house in Elgin, IL. The tracking number shows it delayed due to weather with tomorrow as the estimated delivery date. It was picked up Tuesday.

Customer: Why do all of the northern companies use weather as an excuse for not being able to deliver?

Me: It isn’t our processor, or us, it is FedEx. I have no control over their performance

Customer: Another excuse. You are on Long Island. Just send a driver to pick it up.

I haven’t decided how to respond to that one yet.

Being the smart ass and profession I am, I would put the drive in Google Maps and send the customer a copy, showing how long it will take for someone from LI to drive to Eglin IL, then Tampa. Then remind the customer FedEx will have it there tomorrow.

Being the smart ass and profession I am, I would put the drive in Google Maps and send the customer a copy, showing how long it will take for someone from LI to drive to Eglin IL, then Tampa. Then remind the customer FedEx will have it there tomorrow.

I have the same mentality, which is why I haven’t responded yet. Carefully considering my options.

867 miles and 14 hours from here to there, then it has to come back here for certification and special packaging, so 28 hours and 1734 miles of driving. 19 hours and 1167 miles to Tampa from LI

Total drive time and distance would be 2900 miles and 47 hours. That exceeds the Cannonball Run.

We need your prayers. Look at those low temperatures. I thought I lived in Florida, not the North Pole. I’m not confident that we’ll survive the week. I expect that I may actually have to wear socks with my flip-flops when I take the dogs out. We may just let them go in the house so we don’t have to go outside.

Any suggestions on what I should stock up on to help us survive?

If you don’t hear from me next week, it will probably mean the worst.

I’m no help. Anytime there might be bad weather, I tend to stock up on junk food. As long as there’s chips - there’s hope.

It’s my understanding that in Atlantic Canada Storm Chips are an important part of any emergency weather plan.

Watch out for the scary black ice.

Every winter the weather guy warns us about black ice over and over. And then every time it gets below 50 everyone slows to a crawl when the road is wet because they are afraid there is black ice lurking.

BTW - black ice is just regular ice, but on a black road that you see through it. It isn’t some cryptozoology monster that hides under bridges.

Bridge Ices Before Road