PR Four Q-Roo Front Brake Cable question

I ahve to change the stem on my QROO PR Four. The front brake cable routes down the center of the stem (grrrrr) into the fork. Any tips on getting the cable out? Should I pull the internal from the bottom and then the cable casing from the handlebar? I cannot believe there is not a video on the web showing this.

Thank you in advance.

Undo the cable from the front brake. Then you can pull the cable and housing up through the fork and stem. It is tricky to route back down after the new stem is on. You will probably need a new cable. The old one will probably get frayed trying to route back down through the fork. Hope this helps.

Undo the cable from the front brake. Then you can pull the cable and housing up through the fork and stem. It is tricky to route back down after the new stem is on. You will probably need a new cable. The old one will probably get frayed trying to route back down through the fork. Hope this helps.

Perfect. Thank you