Mini rant i guess Did a 50 M yesterday where they also had a 1/2, full and 50k. They were serving blu Powerade at all the aid stations. Powerade sucks, but no big deal. Took water, Powerade and other foods and gels pretty much per my plan, but by he turnaround wasn’t quite right. I learned from another runner at bout the 30m mark that it wasn’t Powerade at ll, but rather Powerade Zero.
Why? Why would anyone serve zero calorie sports drink as race nutrition? I know I’m not the only one that factors these calories into their plan. I, and a lot of other folks, were I think justifiably irritated by this.
I couldn’t agree more, that’s a big oversight on the RD’s part. I’ve often wondered why they make this stuff at all…the vending machines at my gym are full of it (???). It’s SUPPOSED to have lots of sugar, that’s the whole point!
It’s for people who want electrolytes and the vitamins without the calories. Similar to ingesting just water with salt tablets during a race. I use it for training all the time depending on the length. I like the taste better than water and it helps keep me topped off on sodium/potassium/etc.
However, I would never use it in a race where you actually want to replenish the carbs you’re using so you can keep going. That’s pretty asinine to include it at ANY aid station (even something like a 5k) and especially for it to be the only sports drink available. Bet there were lots of people who didn’t realize wtf was going on when they crashed.
I agree with hankscorpio it is kind of crappy that they put that out on the course during a race. But for every day use the zero calorie Powerade’s or Gatorade G2’s are on awesome way to get the electrolytes you need while not adding back the calories you just burned. And I have recently switched to PoweradeZero from Gatorade G2 because it is cheaper and a few less calories.****
No question that it has it’s uses. But not as fuel for a 50 miler. I was ambulating with three other guys, and I say ambulating because we were all blowing up to one degree or another, when we caught the girl that told us it was the no cal version. Could have knocked all four of us over with a feather. I don’t drink Powerade, so the taste didn’t clue me in at all and it never occurred to me to ask if it was regular Powerade because, well, serving the zero is so freakin stupid.
Add to it that not one aid station was staffed on the back part of the ultra and the “food” that was left at nearly all of them was literally a half full bag of tostitos, it was virtually impossible to adjust and make up for the calorie deficit.
Had I know this was going to be an unsupported event this wouldn’t have been a problem. I would have went in with a different plan. What galls me, other than the Powerade switcheroo, is that I emailed the RD a week in advance to confirm that the aid stations would have food, and not just water and/or Powerade.
They are lucky that nobody, to my knowledge, got hurt.