Power / Ramp Test Help

Hey all I need some suggestions as I am slightly confused. I am going to administer and take a MAP test this week. The test will be preformed on my Computrainer Lab model. My issue is there the variance between my Quarq-Garmin and the CT. I always calibrate the Garmin before CT use and the variance is consistently 10-15w higher on the Garmin (though sometimes when one is digging in it can be higher). At lower cadences and lower intensity the power is almost identical CT to Garmin. I am confused what numbers I should use in my result. I have read about fans and other stuff cause variance but when trying to calculate FTP and using final numbers to set training zones I would like to be as accurate as possible.

Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance.

It doesn’t matter what you use… as long as you are consistent in which one use on a daily basis.