I now train and race using a powermeter, and I have a good understanding of where I am now and what power I’m capable of sustaining in up coming races. However, I’ve always been intrigued about what power I was producing in the past.
Can anyone estimate the power required to produce a 5:32 bike split at Florida and a 5:36 in Canada. I’m 5’10 and was 154lb at the time and had (in my opinion) had a pretty aero position.
Here is a link to a new calculator I am currently working on: http://www.triathloncalculator.com/TEST/. Back out the power required to get the race times you have data for. Use these elevation inputs while doing so:
I would say 170 to go 5.5 in florida is about right (alot depends on how aero you are and how much drafting you do of course) I have consistantly
gone 5hrs - 5.10 and my power averages have been just 200-215/