Post your training week

AM: wake up, masturbate
PM: clean bike, drive to coffee shop and hang out and look like I am training

AM: wake up, masturbate
PM: Go to pool, find excuse not to swim, soak in hot tub and flirt with female swimmers. Go to pub and drink beer.

AM: wake up, think about masturbating, go back to sleep
PM: short run, as in from home to video store and back. Watch three movies. masturbate.

AM: run 28km, bike 180km, swim 5km
PM: spend entire evening bragging online about huge training week

AM: masturbate
PM: masturbate

AM: sleep in
PM: watch video of Kona. Count as training.

Scheduled day off.
Cheat and masturbate anyway.

Like yours, this is theoretical. Sometimes I masturbate more.

Want to have dinner with us later?


PS wash your hands, thanks.

Thanks F, but I ate and am going to try and go to sleep pretty soon.

Man, you never stop…

And try not to pick up the waiter.

D! is still upset that he liked me.

The hot ones are always gay. It’s just not fair. Francois is pretty though, so I could really blame the guy.

I haven’t laughed so hard since, well, Chet the fruit salad guy… :slight_smile:

Who is Chet the fruit salad guy??

Oh c’mon, don’t you live here? See Sneakyspeed’s “$90 bucks and no water” thread…

I think you need to be careful about overtraining there. Might pull something.

Did you participate in the ST “100 spanks in 100 days” challenge?

Here’s what I did this week. It will not impress anyone but it’s for real…

Monday: swim 3o minutes, run 5 miles

Tuesday: bike 51 miles, 2:48

Wednesday: 30 min swim, run 10 miles in 1:21

Thursday: swim 30 minutes, rode mt bike 34.5 miles in 2:14

Friday: swim 30 minutes, run 5 miles in 42 min

Sat: bike 50.8 in 2:45

Sun: Hope to wake up and ride 25 then run 6.

The last time I did a tri my training went like this:
10-12hrs per week cycling, lots of quality intervals.
0 hrs running
0 hrs swimming

I did pretty well.

holy crap, that is some funny isht right there.

Not necessarily a typical training week - no two weeks alike.

Sunday: Run to work (4.6 miles). Work mostly on my feet for twelve hours. Run home (6.2 miles, different route).

Monday: Run two miles to friend’s office. Run four miles with him over his lunch break. Run two miles home again. Think about biking, but it starts to rain, so I stay home and drink beer.

Tuesday: Up at 6:30 AM. Bike 45 miles, then run 5 miles. Work noon to 10:30.

Wednesday: Sleep in. Work noon to 10:30

Thursday: Run commute, same as Sunday, but only an eight hour shift.

Friday: Bike 51 miles (hilly), then run 5 miles.

Saturday: Raining, so don’t do group ride. Leisurely breakfast with wife, then swim. 100 yard repeats, with rests mostly taken up with cursing at leaky goggles. End up wearing dorky old goggles.

Tomorrow: Run commute again.

And before anybody makes any snide remarks, I am perfectly capable of riding in the rain, and have even done so in recent months. This sort of thing mostly serves to remind me how much it sucks to ride in the rain.

my past week

Sunday - rode 2:11, swam 1600 m
Monday - ran 6 mi, rode 0:57 with 40 min @ HIM pace
Tuesday - ran 6 mi; did 55 min yoga
Wednesday - rode 1:50 AM ran 6 mi PM
Thursday - ran 7 mi, swam 3100 yds
Friday - ran 3 mi, swam 4000 yds, ran 2 miles
Saturday - raced a 5k (total for the day 8.4 miles)

^ that all is why I’m way faster than you :wink:

where’s your swimming?
you should figure out how to do that this week. Wouldn’t want to get tigerchicked this coming weekend !

Aug 24th. bike-1 hr 16 min 25.8 miles run-47min 42 sec 6.25 miles Aug 25th. bike-1hr13 min, 23.0 miles run- 31 min 42 sec,4.25 other- core , 10 minutes Aug 26th. Bike- 24 min. 4 sec 10 miles Bike-46 min 5 sec , 15 miles run- 34 min , 4.3 miles Aug 27th. bike- 1hr 14 min , 27.65 miles Run- 51 min 49 sec. 6.1 miles Aug 28 th. Bike- 22 min 4 sec, 8.34 miles run -38 min , 5.25 miles bike -1 hr 10 min , 24 miles run -32 min4.25 miles Aug 29 th. bike- 28 min. 39 sec , 10 miles run - 39 minutes 5.2 miles Aug 30 th. bike- 1 hr 28 min , 27 miles run - 40 min 41 sec., 4.5 miles Summery of week Other 0:55 hrs 0 mi Bike 8:22 hrs 170.8 mi Run 5:15 hrs 40 mi Total 14:33 hrs 210.8 mi

You know how you know you are a failure CC, I have your weekly volume in a day. You either need to be a college student, or HTFU.

Now, I just need to figure out how to post a “critique my position” thread :slight_smile: