Post-run recovery routine

What’s the current consensus?

I haven’t done any real running in a number of years, the last time I was “good” (I use that term loosely.) was 14 years ago. Bang on 40 minutes for the local somewhat hilly 10k.

I still have a roller stick that I used to use after runs. Is that still a thing?

Trying to work my way into fitness and lose about 40 lbs in the process, to do that I need to be able to do consistent training and not be wasting days because I’m too sore to work out.

Bike is going well, but the run was always the most challenging discipline for me.

More than anything else, keep your runs short and progress slowly into it. Not sold on the efficacy of most of the recovery toys

Immediately after a run:
5 minutes of stretching that feels like an eternity
Take a water bottle with me and drink it while in the shower.
Towel off and lay on the bed naked for 15 minutes staring at my phone with my feet elevated and my wife rolls her eyes at me as she walks by doing various errands or chores.
Sigh that my scheme didn’t work once again, so get dressed and eat oatmeal mixed with, straw berries, banana, protein powder and 0% fat fage yogurt.

If it’s a 2+ hour long run I’ll do all of that and try to work in the recovery boots just to ensure that I keep off my feet and get a solid 30 minutes of doing nothing in. I used to foam roll a bit, but I’ve gotten pretty lazy with it now.

Lay horizontally. I like my Hyperice boots (that were a gift) but I don’t think they do anything more than get me to lay horizontally.