Poor ol 11 time wc javier

looks like another dnf for gomez today, Curry crashed, wurf placed o.k. for having a flat the last 6 miles.
Gomez seems like he hasn’t had a good race since that ironman against curry inlike 2019

Injury or technical for Javier?

looks like another dnf for gomez today, Curry crashed, wurf placed o.k. for having a flat the last 6 miles.
Gomez seems like he hasn’t had a good race since that ironman against curry inlike 2019

i really feel for the guy. really recommend people to listen to some interviews with the guy - he’s really, really thoughtful and articulate about the sport. i desperately want to see a few last vintage performances from him (and from ali!) but time marches on!

Although a mechanical is not his fault hopefully he can get his shit together. Don’t see much passion from his socials etc.
If I’m not mistaken he dealt with afib or was it another heart issue?

Bicuspid heart valve. This is a genetic issue. Thanks to really bad management from the Spanish triathlon federation it stole two years from his career. IOTW, they took the license away from him until he could prove via a world class surgeon that he was ok to race. He almost quit the sport.

Don’t know what happened but I did this race and the conditions were absolutely appalling, never seen so many crashes before, highly likely something just went awry for him as it did with curry and many others.

It is reported as his third mechanical on the bike. I find it very difficult to think that an athlete of his caliber and experience is having these kind of equipment issues repeatedly. Hopefully, he can figure it out soon.

Tauranga half, the 2nd in the run of 3 his bars came loose. The surface over here is less than smooth and so does have a habit of rattling things off unless threadlocked. That said he’s ridden here enough times to know that.