Pools in the New York area

Anyone used any decent pools in the New York area in the past? Preferably near the Hells Kitchen area that they could recommend. criteria; at least a 25mtr pool, pay as you go and open early so I can get in and done early as over there on holidays before hitting IMMT

Only 25M pool indoors is

Other options
NY Public pools Free early morning outdoor pools (register online)

Or YMCAs 25y $20 per day

There is a 50m pool indoor up at 135th on the west side open from 6:30am…Riverbank.


It seems if you want to swim then you need to buy a lap swim pass in advance of your first visit to swim for $30/month - sounds a bargain.


Another alternative is Asphalt Green on the Upper East side…they have 25yd pool and day membership is $35.

Thanks guys, some good options there. Cheers