POLL What do you think of the avatars, instead names for who created post, and latest Responder? you know over there ---->

  • I like the Avatars
  • I like the old style with userid of original poster and Latest poster
  • I dont care
  • What the hell are you talking about davhamm
0 voters
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Avatars are fine, but it’s more user friendly to see the username of who started the thread and the username of the latest reply. This is easily done in Discourse. The admins just haven’t gotten around to it yet, I expect.

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Hugely prefer the text of the user name showing the thread originator.

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Nice poll! I wish I could vote for more than one response in it, tho

Do you agree?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe so
0 voters

I don’t want everyone clicking Davhamm what the hell are you talking about… LOL

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Many years ago, I belonged to a Running Forum which showed both Username + an Avatar/Icon

As an Artist, I made it a point of changing my Avatar/Icon monthly, but NOT my Username, in order to maintain some sense of continuity

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Who wants a both username & icon?

  • Me. I don’t settle for the bare minimum.
  • Not me. I’m not a pig. Either/or is fine.
0 voters

I hate Nutella’s avatar because it makes me go searching for the sweets drawer.

Damn you Nutella, you delicious hazelnut spread.

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Another vote for showing both. If only one my preference is to show the user name.

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that it requires a plugin for us to do this (similar to what we have to do to bring back user signatures).

And we first kinda wanted to make sure that we were fully moved in before we started messing with things too much.

Granted, I’ve been dicking around with one of the templates in an attempt to give people the option of a “classic Slowtwitch look,” so I think we’re getting there. But I also am not the one making the decisions on when those plugins get done.

I could live with both. Though I dig the avatars. I think they can provide more insight into the personality, more so than usernames.