Do you change yours according to mileage, once a year, time of year, before an IM etc?
I usually do my chain and cassette before my IM each year, cables every two years - what do you do?
Do you change yours according to mileage, once a year, time of year, before an IM etc?
I usually do my chain and cassette before my IM each year, cables every two years - what do you do?
Chain when it measures out of spec, cassette when it starts wearing chains out quickly. I’ve found that if you replace the chain more often, the cassette will last a long time.
Cables when they either look ugly or I start getting a loss of performance/feel. every other year is probably about right. . .
Cables - every year
Chain - every year
Cassette - as needed. They get less wear than the chain, since I have several sets of wheels.
You replace the cassette on your road bike every year???
Since I started using the criteria of chain stretch (12 links should measure 12 inches. When it has stretched to 12 1/8 inch it needs to be replaced.) I have not had to replace a cassette. If you considered that chains run 1/3 to 1/2 the price of cassettes (Utegra as an example), it makes a lot more sense to change out the chain. I have multiple bikes and cassettes, though; if you have only one bike and put in a lot of miles I would think you would need to replace the chain 2-4 times a year and the cassette every other year.
I only change the cables when I change out handlebars.
The Wippermanns last forever, relatively speaking. Minimal stretch (0.060 or so) after 8000+ miles on my “training chain” before Simple Green destroyed it overnight. The DA 10sp cassette was showing heavy wear by then in the most-used sprockets (13-17) but lasted pretty well. I use a separate chain and cassette for my race day setup. I change out the cables when they stop shifting so nice, maybe every 2 yrs.
On my tri bike I have the chain replaced as part of a full overhaul by my LBS in the spring and as part of a tuneup about midway through the season. I’ve had the same cassette on it since I bought it in 2004. Cables every spring (part of the full overhaul).
I overhaul my road bike on my own each spring. I always replace the cables then, but only replace the chain and/or cassette when if they’re worn.
Before Simple Green destroyed it?
Can you say more about that? I use Simple Green to clean my bikes and its awesome for cleaning everything off cassette and chain - but your statement has me a bit worried!
chains, every 2500 - 3000 miles, which basically keeps cassettes from wearing out. cables every other year or more often if it makes sense with changing bars, tape, etc.
Depends on wear. If you do it strictly based on periodicity (yearly, every season, etc) you’re probably wasting money. If I measure the chain and it’s stretched, or if I can see obvious deformities, I replace it. If I look at the cassette and can start to see the shark fin effect on the teeth, I replace it. As for cables, unless they’re really beat up or giving me trouble, I usually just take them off, clean them, re-lubricate them, and reinstall. I know we all like to get new shiny parts, but replacing stuff instead of just cleaning and adjusting is a waste (in my opinion.).
My road bike is about 15 years old. I’ve replaced the chain once - when it broke. I’ve replaced the cassette once - to change the gear ratios. I’ve never replaced any cables. I figure I’ve put on between 30-40,000 miles. I keep the bike cleaned and lubed and have very few equipment problems.
Cassettes - never needed one replaced in 16 years. I change bikes more often.
Chains every 6 months
Cables every 3 months or so.