Politics: Urban v Rural

Personally, this divide both intrigues and perplexes. The below link is a guest opinion written for and published in the WaPo. There is a lot to unpack here. From Coastal elite condescension of poorly educated and poorer folk, to information silos, to dem political consultants not wading in ($$) to help out struggling dem candidates trying to make a go of it in red districts and states, I found the online commentary from the Post subscribers to be more insightful than the article itself.


In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

SiriusXM has four political channels. One conservative, one progressive/liberal, one centrist, and one urban.

The centrist one (POTUS Politics) is hands down the best one and should be the only one anyone should ever listen to. It’s like a merging of CNN and Fox News but without completely polarizing figures as hosts. Less assholes and more common sense views. My guess is the conservative channel has more listenership than the other three combined and probably a multiple of the other three combined. I’d wager the urban politics channel is hardly listened to.

Its behind a paywall, but…

I grew up in the Midwest. My family still lives there. I live on Long Island and I run a moderate size business. I have a master’s degree. The majority of my classmates, who are now all in our 60’s, never left the county and have a HS education. The few that went to college are either vets or nurses. I’m literally the only one with an advanced degree.

They all think I think they are stupid for their BS posts about the economy, Trump, Biden, Veterans, and all the other stuff. I don’t think they are stupid, I think they are poorly educated and lacking real world experience. Trump and MAGA have said they like uneducated voters. That should tell everyone something about what is going on. I have no idea how to fix it. I simply do what I know is best for the country and not worry about them or their opinions, but that is becoming increasingly difficult. This morning I got called a “dick” for pointing out that the difference in the economy between 2019 and now has to do with how the world reacted to COVID and not policies of either president. On the contrary, the US has out performed the world in this regard. What was the group reply? You’re just being a dick. Look at homelessness and try to tell us the economy is healthy. That is the education of these people. They connect an age old social problem with the US economy. Forget that that side generally has a problem with funding solutions for that problem.

It is exasperating to interact with those people.

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage.

Not just Political Talk Radio; Sports shows are far worse - especially here in Philly

I gave up ALL SportsRadio for Lent a number of years ago, and never went back - I’m much the better for it

I will, however, listen to Merrill Reese calling the Iggles games, as he is fucking iconic

It is exasperating to interact with those people.

That’s exactly why I don’t like to leave the house LOL

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, Rush and Glenn Beck had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage.

Not just Political Talk Radio; Sports shows are far worse - especially here in Philly

I gave up ALL SportsRadio for Lent a number of years ago, and never went back - I’m much the better for it

I will, however, listen to Merrill Reese calling the Iggles games, as he is fucking iconic

Sports radio has by far the dumbest callers in the history of talk radio.

I’d occasionally listen to sports radio in the pre-SiriusXM days. No matter what city it was chock full or moronic calls.

“Our NFL team was 3-13 last year but if we could just make a couple of trades to get Tom Brady, LaDainian Tomlinson, Randy Moss, and Calvin Johnson on our team we’d be really good. Why our owner and GM can’t do that is ridiculous. Make it happen or I’m canceling my season tickets.”

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, **Rush and Glenn Beck **had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the case of rush and beck, when you’re unencumbered by facts it is easier to be entertaining. These idiots made stuff up in order to get their sheeple to get all worked up.

Critical thinking and financial literacy 101 in the classroom/home at a young age would go a long way in helping future Autojacks from being called a dick. Our country would be so much better off.

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, **Rush and Glenn Beck **had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the case of rush and beck, when you unencumbered by facts it is easier to be entertaining. These idiots made stuff up in order to get their sheeple to get all worked up.

That is true. But they were good at their job, which was to get listeners and be engaging.

We can bitch about them lying all day long and I wouldn’t disagree. But the Democrats have always had an issue actually talking to people in a way that was engaging. Just looking at Presidential candidates, Bill Clinton and Obama had it. Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Hillary, and for the most part Biden do not.

They just don’t talk in a way that regular people do. I don’t agree with the criticism that the Democrats are condescending. They just don’t talk like people talk. So it comes off as hoity toity.

Think of it along the lines of how lawyers tend to talk and write when they are working, and frequently when they aren’t. Just fucking annoying. Throw in fancy $3 words when a 10 cent word works fine, use latin phrases that even they don’t really know the meanings to, never actually say something definitively but hedge at every turn. That isn’t how people talk, or think.

Critical thinking and financial literacy 101 in the classroom/home at a young age would go a long way in helping future Autojacks from being called a dick. Our country would be so much better off.

That would be a start, but the states that the Right have control of are actively trying to make their population less educated. And if the government steps in it is another case of the elites telling the common folk how to think.

That group wants to be uneducated. They like it, and their elected leaders encourage it.

SiriusXM has four political channels. One conservative, one progressive/liberal, one centrist, and one urban.

The centrist one (POTUS Politics) is hands down the best one and should be the only one anyone should ever listen to. It’s like a merging of CNN and Fox News but without completely polarizing figures as hosts. Less assholes and more common sense views. My guess is the conservative channel has more listenership than the other three combined and probably a multiple of the other three combined. I’d wager the urban politics channel is hardly listened to.

The only problem that I have with “Centrist” reporting is that they try to normalize Trump and his behaviour. The reality is that there is nothing normal about Trump and his behaviour and it should never be treated as normal.

Personally, this divide both intrigues and perplexes. The below link is a guest opinion written for and published in the WaPo. There is a lot to unpack here. From Coastal elite condescension of poorly educated and poorer folk, to information silos, to dem political consultants not wading in ($$) to help out struggling dem candidates trying to make a go of it in red districts and states, I found the online commentary from the Post subscribers to be more insightful than the article itself.


A lot of what happened is land value. 40 years ago if you bought a house in a rural area for 10g the land is probably worth around 50g now. However, if you bought a house in a major city for 100g 40 years ago, that house could well be worth 1mil plus.

This was just a major windfall for people from the cities.

Same thing for salaries.

A lot of people in rural areas have been left behind for various reasons. The left has had ideas of how to help out rural areas (being condescending), the right has told rural areas that it isnt their fault they got left behind (info silos).

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, **Rush and Glenn Beck **had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the case of rush and beck, when you’re unencumbered by facts it is easier to be entertaining. These idiots made stuff up in order to get their sheeple to get all worked up.
Friend went to school with Glen Beck and knows the real him. He said 100% Glenn made all that stuff up for money and fame. Doesn’t believe any of it. We all suspected that, but is nice to have confirmation.

The time to fix this was when these grown-ass adults were young, children even, with proper education and upbringing. They are baked in as-is and aren’t going to see the reality for what it is. There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with older adults that have the maturity of a teenager. MAGA just gave them a club they can belong to.

It no longer affects me. Got a residency visa in New Zealand. See ya.

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, **Rush and Glenn Beck **had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the case of rush and beck, when you’re unencumbered by facts it is easier to be entertaining. These idiots made stuff up in order to get their sheeple to get all worked up.
Friend went to school with Glen Beck and knows the real him. He said 100% Glenn made all that stuff up for money and fame. Doesn’t believe any of it. We all suspected that, but is nice to have confirmation.

The time to fix this was when these grown-ass adults were young, children even, with proper education and upbringing. They are baked in as-is and aren’t going to see the reality for what it is. There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with older adults that have the maturity of a teenager. MAGA just gave them a club they can belong to.

It no longer affects me. Got a residency visa in New Zealand. See ya.

Your friend knows the “real” Glenn Beck, like knows him now? I’m surprised he’s willing to admit that.

Critical thinking and financial literacy 101 in the classroom/home at a young age would go a long way in helping future Autojacks from being called a dick. Our country would be so much better off.

That would be a start, but the states that the Right have control of are actively trying to make their population less educated. And if the government steps in it is another case of the elites telling the common folk how to think.

That group wants to be uneducated. They like it, and their elected leaders encourage it.

Which states that The Right control are actively making their population less educated? And how?

In the 1990s, liberals all but ceded talk radio to conservatives, an act of foolishness

Call me elitist, but all political talk radio is garbage. The progressive attempts, like Air America, were garbage.

It’s for people who want to hear ever-escalating pablum about how their side is great and other side is “literally demonic” (heard that term used while scanning through AM radio). It is not for people who want to learn or want to hear sincere debate.

So, yeah, it’s “ceded,” but is it really victory if you’re fighting for a cesspool?

They aren’t people I would want to be in a room with, but Paul Harvey, **Rush and Glenn Beck **had talent and could entertain.

When I tried to listen to Air America I thought it sounded like someone reading me directions on how to wire my stereo speakers. Just boring as all hell.

In the case of rush and beck, when you’re unencumbered by facts it is easier to be entertaining. These idiots made stuff up in order to get their sheeple to get all worked up.

I knew there was a good reason this forum was so entertaining.

Let’s not pretend urban areas are raising a bastion of educated critical thinkers. Ask any teacher “inside the perimeter” of an urban area and they are likely to tell you there are just as many issues with educating young people there as there are in rural areas. Different problems, same result.

I moved from a generally educated area (not urban or rural) to a very uneducated area when I was in HS (was rural, now not). What I saw then as a student and later as an educator in that same area is that being smart wasn’t cool. Not just the normal pick on the nerds uncool, it was downright loathed. It took an influx of tech families and Indian immigrants to turn things around in that education system.

To add to the other post about property values and how it relates. Here it was <$2k/acre 30 years ago and now it’s >$100k. Rural dwellers here did just fine, but I understand that’s land that is no longer rural due to explosive growth. Not quite the same as midwestern farm country.

Value of land is an interesting aspect here in this rural v urban (to include sub and ex qualifiers) divide.

Urban counties have grown wealth and the resultant tax base increase allowed for betterment of schools, fire & police, libraries and parks and rec.

rural counties had land bought up by big ag. Kids have moved on and away. Tax bases shrunk and quality to life was reduced across the board to include primary and secondary education.

A few of the rural reader comments did touch on this aspect and how their state was taking up reforms to school financing that leveled the disparity.

My thinking here goes along the line of a reverse migration flow from the urban to the rural that a parallel could be made with the current gentrification ongoing in inner urban areas. What roadblocks are there to a gentrification of the rural counties? Costs to build on and buy land would favor this migration. The “left behind” rural area can be the next “got to go there” area. The mixing of conservative and progressive would blur the boundary lines.