Political lawn signs and bumper stickers

Do you use them during election season?

Probably 50% of the homes in our area have lawn signs and being rural with a large majority for Trump (inverse when you reach town limits), it seems more like a tribal identifier than campaign effort since very few people pass by and they’re mostly all Trumpers anyway. I would imagine that posting a Harris sign on my lawn would draw more negative attention from locals than it would influence voters so it seems mostly pointless.

I fly the American flag 24/7 in front of my house. I’m told that is the same thing. :slightly_smiling_face: .

Tribal identifier for sure. Friendly neighbors remain friendly by posting signs and not discussing the topic. Were you to post a sign, the rule of not discussing can still hold, but who knows, maybe some of your neighbors who respect you for all the good neighbor reasons, will be influenced positively and post a supporting identifying sign too. Hell, if enough signs for Harris Walz should appear in your rural hood, then maybe taboo will break and a dialogue could be had that then does not turn negative.

I’d say go for it. It could help to better understand who are good neighbors and who are bad neighbors. The gentleman across the street who supports trump and still accepts your tribal affiliation, will fall into the confirmed good neighbor category. The no shit, ugly, deplorable, never to be considered “good” neighbor will then make themselves known to you in a negative way can be a good thing.

I fly my political lawn sign every day.


Which reminds me, I need to go raise it. Had it at half-staff for 9/11.

The sad thing is where I live, this has become synonymous with Trump fans. The difference is the overt number of flags they are flying. “Oh ya, I’m more American than you because I fly 10 flags at my house.” It’s obnoxious.

I have a sign on my car & one in my yard. I like politics and I like to communicate. I had a political conversation with my neighbor across the street who wanted me to put little American flags on my Harris sign. He gave me two little flags and told me to duct tape them on. It’s not really my style, but I thanked him.

I live next door to a Trump supporter, and she and I do not talk politics. On the same day I talked with my neighbor about my Harris sign and his little flags, I saw my Trumpy neighbor outside and I immediately went over to chat with her. She’s fighting breast cancer, has kids, and always has news. So we talked.

Another MAGA neighbor stopped by my house with his grandkids on the way to the neighborhood pool. I had a little shelf with free books out. So I talked with his grandkids about their favorite kind of books. The littlest one took 5 Little Pumpkins, which is a very good read. Perfect for this time of year!


We don’t use them in our house.

Political yard art is relatively rare in my town. When it happens, it’s usually Democratic in terms of classic yard signs; more common is snarky/cutesy t-shirts and bumper stickers. Trumpy Republicans fly overcompensatory flags hung from their gutters or fluttering from flagstaffs wedged into the beds of their Chevy Silverados.

I find both flavors to be transiently irritating.

ETA: Subsequent poster made an important point that I didn’t make clear. I don’t find American flags irritating on houses or flagpoles at home. I see them as politically tinged when flying from the back of a pickup. The flags I was referring to in my post are explicitly of the “Trump 2024”, “Fuck Your Feelings” or similar variety.

Signed or unsigned?

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I don’t see those sorts of flags in our neighborhood, but there are some in the other developments and farms that I run past

In our neighborhood, the flags are mostly of the Eagles/Cowboys/Giants fandom variety, which can be just as divisive

For me the flag represents the promise of America and it’s obligation to always work to fulfil that promise. It is clear to which candidate this year best supports that obligation.

I try not to assume that just because someone flies the flag that they are a Trump fan. One of my neighbors flies the American Flag and the Marine Corps flag every day. During Pride Month he flies a Rainbow flag.

I don’t do lawn signs, flags, bumper stickers or tattoos for any reason. I like to keep things clean.

I was out in Fauquier County last week for some apple picking and didn’t see a single Trump sign. Did see a half a dozen Harris banners. I just like to say Fauquier.

For us: never for national or state politics. That would just sow division and won’t change any minds. We sometimes have yard signs for local races — usually for just several weeks. Local politics are much more fluid because they are non-partisan. And, because I am known to be active in local politics, some people care who I support.

For the city: most signs are for local issues. National races — a few Kennedy signs popped up a couple months ago. Most are still up. Trump signs are almost non-existent. Starting to see some Harris signs.

Around me, almost everyone that has an American flag and is a trump supporter has another trump based flag of some sort flying right with it. So I assume those with just the American flag are just as likely to not be a trump supporter as they are to be a trump supporter. Bottom line, I have begun to appreciate seeing just an American flag more lately…

I don’t even know how to say Fauquier.

Our HOA doesn’t allow them, and I’m glad for that.

I live in a very purple voting precinct. The 2020 election was 49% Biden to 50% Trump, but Trump supporters tend to think that we’re 100% Trump.


It’s a few counties north of us here in Augusta

Aww-gusta :wink:

I hate political signs and bumper stickers.

I feel like people are trying to steal my attention. They should offer me something in exchange!

I appreciate information, humor and insightful analysis.
Humor is sometimes possible on a sign.
Usually signs and stickers are just commercial or political propaganda.

Hopefully you have it properly illuminated during hours of darkness, in accordance with U.S. Flag Code. Otherwise, you’re probably a liberal or a communist. Or maybe Antifa.

Apropos of nothing, I never would have pegged you for a guy who lives somewhere with a HOA.

That led me down a 5 minute rabbit hole of googling, my takeaway of which is that approx 1/3 of America lives in housing subject to a HOA.

That’s much higher than I would have guessed if you’d asked me the question cold. But I’m probably discounting condo owners in my mind. When I think HOA, I think of rich, gated communities with a rent-a-cop controlling access to the cul-de-sac of McMansions. Probably not remotely accurate.

My wife’s parents live two doors down, on the main part of the farm, with a Y intersection bordering the property. Their neighbor is an odd bird who takes liberties with other people’s property and puts his signs (Trump) on their property facing the intersection. They don’t mind because they share the same party affiliation, Trump included.

I can imagine the in-laws being pissy about a Harris sign on our property, setting aside the issue of who should find which more offensive. It just seems like inviting conflict with little upside.

One of the roads tied into that Y intersection is under a mile long dead end with maybe 10-12 properties, all but one displaying Trump and Harris signs. The only traffic is from people who live there, so they are clearly not influencing anyone else with their signs. Maybe they’re all targeting that one signless voter? :thinking: