It doesn’t sound that much different from a standard IM. When I did IMLP we had everything in bags and while it was all on one transition it wasn’t a big deal. Get out of the water, run to your bike throw all your swim stuff in the bag and you’re off. Same for the run, rack your bike, grab your run gear and go.
Take a good walkthrough of T2 on Saturday and you’ll be fine. And don’t miss the bus on Sunday morning
I did Pocono last year, and while I havent read the athlete guide, your summary sounds like they kept it the same logistics’ wise as last year.
All in all I found it to be pretty tolerable and well organized but I would be sure to allocate a 2-3 extra hours on Saturday to get it all done.
The good part is that the morning of the race, it was pretty much wake up, get on a bus and race.
A bunch of us did the race last year as well, and I agree with metfan’s advice… we did find a way to avoid the busses last year but since the swim and T1 have changed it’s now irrelevant. The only thing I would mention was that last year due to the previous night’s rain T2 (baseball field) was a huge muddy mess and I went through relatively early too. Double bag your shoes when you leave them on Saturday!
I guess last year T2 was supposed to be on the astro-turf football field but the according to some friends at PhillyTri, five days before the race the high school/town said WTC would have to purchase a replacement field cover in order to use the football field. Only other option was the baseball field. Guess that’s what happens with uncooperative race venues.
I am doing it and it’s my first double-transition race, so I guess I will have to pay extra attention on Saturday. I think I will pack extra stuff anyway: I was up-there this last Saturday for bike preview and it was cold and windy…
So in looking at the event schedule…T1 at the lake, T2 at the high school and the shuttle bus in the morning is from the Jr high school? This appears to be 2+ miles from T2. Was this the situation last year? Park at the shuttle, bus to start, finish T2/Main St and ride or walk back to car at the JHS?
Anyone know if T2 is pavement, grass?? Thanks for any info…
So in looking at the event schedule…T1 at the lake, T2 at the high school and the shuttle bus in the morning is from the Jr high school? This appears to be 2+ miles from T2. Was this the situation last year? Park at the shuttle, bus to start, finish T2/Main St and ride or walk back to car at the JHS?
Anyone know if T2 is pavement, grass?? Thanks for any info…
Last year you were not be able to access T2 the morning of the race. Drop your run stuff off (shoes, nutrition, etc) on Saturday at the high school. Wrap in plastic in case of rain. Again, last year T2 was the baseball field behind the high school and was a muddy mess. The grass was long, about 3-4 inches, and the T2 entrance was a mud pit. The infield was sandy. I wear socks on any runs over 10miles and I was soooooo happy to put on clean dry socks after running through the muddy field.
T1 is different this year so I can’t speak on that specifically, but it sounds like you will be dropping your ride off on Saturday as with most WTC races. Last year no personal pumps or trainers were allowed in T1 (although the pros were allowed), but there were plenty of supplied pumps floating around race morning. The morning gear bags were delivered to T2 from the start last year and picked up when you picked up your bike after the race.
It may seem daunting, but make a schedule for yourself and stick to it as best you can. Personally, I did a short swim on Saturday morning after sleeping in. Went to T2 early afternoon and dropped run gear. Then spent the afternoon at T1 doing a short pre-race run and ride, making sure the bike was dialed in, finding the secret race-morning pee spot, hanging out with the team, and scoping out the transition in general. Then early dinner. Leave yourself an extra hour at the end of the day Saturday to return to T1 or T2 in case you forget something.
Race Day (last year):
wake up
go to bus
start race
finish race in downtown Stroudsburg
walk <1 mile back to T2 (high school) to pick up bike and gear bags
I did Ironman Germany back in July. This also had two split transitions and it all worked like clockwork! Nothing to worry about.
I will be doing this race next Sunday and am travelling from the UK as part of a business trip. I am especially looking forward to the first four mils of the bike. All downhill. Ironman 70.3 UK is the complete opposite. The first four miles after exiting T1 are all uphill! Very nasty.
What is the expected temperature for next weekend? Do I need to pack some arm warmers?
I did Pocono last year and as others have said it was no big deal. Was also the first race I did that had separate transition areas.
After packet pickup I dropped off my bike, then drove to T2 and set up T2 like I would on race day, except I had everything in a double plastic bag since it was expected to (and did) pour all night.
Race day parking was at T2, but they wouldnt let you in. You took the bus to T1. It worked out just fine.
Only complaint was that the finish line was at least a mile away from T2… had to walk back after a 70.3? (well, 68.9)…
I was waiting for someone to mention the walk back to T2 from the finish line. Last year was my first “70.3” so that walk back to T2 sucked. All the other logistics were completely fine though. I was surprised at how well it worked out.
I was waiting for someone to mention the walk back to T2 from the finish line. Last year was my first “70.3” so that walk back to T2 sucked. All the other logistics were completely fine though. I was surprised at how well it worked out.
The walk wasn’t so bad… the crappy part was that the morning gear bags (ie: warm, dry clothes) were not brought to the finish as promised in the athlete guide and pre-race meeting. In speaking to my friends who work for PhillyTri a few days after the race they said something happened with the routing of the trucks… something about the cops not letting the big truck into the downtown (finish area), so it went to the high school instead. There was plenty of food when I finished, no lines, and a Starbucks to the right of the finish line. Me and my spectator/support wandered around looking for my gear bag, had some food, coffee, and it was an easy walk to T2… Lucky she had packed a fleece and my recovery drink in her backpack for me.
Not having a change of clothes at the finish was the sucky part… hopefully they will fix that for you guys this year.
I was waiting for someone to mention the walk back to T2 from the finish line. Last year was my first “70.3” so that walk back to T2 sucked. All the other logistics were completely fine though. I was surprised at how well it worked out.
The walk wasn’t so bad… the crappy part was that the morning gear bags (ie: warm, dry clothes) were not brought to the finish as promised in the athlete guide and pre-race meeting. In speaking to my friends who work for PhillyTri a few days after the race they said something happened with the routing of the trucks… something about the cops not letting the big truck into the downtown (finish area), so it went to the high school instead. There was plenty of food when I finished, no lines, and a Starbucks to the right of the finish line. Me and my spectator/support wandered around looking for my gear bag, had some food, coffee, and it was an easy walk to T2… Lucky she had packed a fleece and my recovery drink in her backpack for me.
Not having a change of clothes at the finish was the sucky part… hopefully they will fix that for you guys this year.
Were you allowed to have your bike shoes clipped in at T1 or did they have to be in a bag (as per full IM rules)?
There was no swim last year… we did a TT start 3seconds apart (pro’s started 5seconds apart). I always keep my shoes clipped to the pedals (even when I’m not supposed to), but at Pocono last year I dressed for a TT (skinsuit, socks, etc) with my tri gear underneath for the run. I started with my shoes on my feet as did most people. To my knowledge there was no rule against shoes on the pedals last year.