Plica Syndrome… Help!

I need advice!! I ran my first Ultramarathon first of Feb. I had some runner’s knee after and went to PT, but the pain wouldn’t go. I have had runners knee issues before, but the pain was very different this time around. It continued to worsen, and in late April my PT reevaluated and diagnosed with Plica Syndrome. I have to say all the symptoms fit, and an MRI led to this conclusion too. I took multiple weeks off from everything to see if the pain would subside, and it did only slightly. I am planning to participate in IM FL In November. I have been in training, and I have introduced cycling and running back very, very slowly. Every other week the pain returns and I’m back to taking time off. The pain becomes pretty signifiant, to where I can hardly walk more than 2 miles. I’ve done months of PT, strength training, taken time off, massages, nutrition, ice therapy and nothing seems to help. Should I continue striving for IM Fl and see if I can manage the issue enough? IM FL has been a huge goal of mine, so I would hate to have to sacrifice it now. Is it worth completing the race and focusing on the issue after? Or should I look at surgery as an immediate option. I’m not sure what to do next!!

Wow! Never heard of this one before. Thanks for sharing. I know this doesn’t make you feel better, but I learned something today.

Have you discussed with your doctor the possibility of coritsone injection into the joint space? I really have no idea but I do know a lot of people who have diminished cartilage in the knee often get these shots. I hear they hurt like hell during the process but the joint will feel like new for a few months. It’s probably at least worth a discussion to hear out the pros and cons, if it’s even an option.

But given what I just read on it, I’m pretty confident the doc will tell you to write of IMFL, at least this year.

I’m glad I can share about it! I know it’s not a common issue, but hopefully it can help some other triathletes!! It seems to be more common amongst people doing running and cycling together ( according to my PT) but less commonly diagnosed.

— thanks for the recommendation! I actually did get a cortisone shot, and it didn’t seem to help the issue but I’m glad I tried it. The plica inflammation seems to be very stubborn!

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can find something that gives you some relief. In the meantime, RICE is your best friend.